Jay Haru wrote:Flaw wrote:Hi everyone,
I am having a problem regarding my Pokemon Soul Silver saving. I was able to ingame save just once, right on the beggining of the game. After that, every time I tried to ingame save, there was the following error: "There is already a saved game file. It is impossible to save". Since then, I had just savestated.
Now I have beaten the Elite 4, but when I try to continue my game from there, it loads from my ingame save (which was saved on the beggining of the game). My problem is pretty much the same as of maKun.
Can anyone help me? I didn't understand the step by step (of deleting the save game, and then loading again, etc.). So if you could help me, I would appreciate very much. I have a savestate right before defeating Lance, so I guess there is a way.
Thank you
The steps are already explained as easily as possible though...
first and foremost, you must make sure your savestate doesnt include savegames in them (uncheck this in the advanced option.)
then make a savestate.
after this, you can do the step by step guide.
Thank you, Jay Haru. I asked for a new explanation, because I followed these steps and it didn't work:
- Delete excisting in-game save(s) (Menu > New game > No > Up-Select-B > Delete all saved data, yes, yes) - ok
- Start a new game (It starts automatically) - ok
- Skip until I can in-game save - ok
- Save in-game - ok
- Softreset the game (Menu > Reset) - ok
- Load the new and working in-game save (That works!) -ok
- Load savestat (Menu > Load/Save > The savestat before I have to fight Lance) - ok
- Save in-game - This step I'm not managing to complete. When I load a previous savestate (before fighting Lance) the same problem continues: "There is already a saved game file. It is impossible to save".
That's why I asked for a more detailed explanation, I just can't manage to do it as supposed to.
And I bought the most recente version, r2.2.0.2a
What else can I do to fix my problem?
Thank you in advance.