Hello! Not sure if this is the right topic
but I have a problem with Soul Silver....
I bought the DraStic app from google store regularly, I've heard about an update but I've installed it max 2 months ago, so I think I already have the updated ver.?
Anyways, I downloaded pkmn Soul SIlver and recently Black 2.
But recently happened something to my soul silver! It worked almost well (with some trouble but i'll explain later) until i got all the 16 badges and reached the entrance of mt. Silver. And now I'm stuck there with Baoba calling me. In fact, every time i open it, i can just do a few steps and:
-if i go down it freezes in a grass patch
-if i enter the cave it turns black (music going on)
-if i move in the grass i encounter a lv42 ponyta and it freezes with the trainer sprite throwing the ball (music going on)
-if i try to open the bag i can view my items but if i try to use one it goes black after closing the bag
-any other thing in menu (pokemon squad, pokegear, save, options, pokedex, it turns black.
I always use the quick save (barely use the in-game save)and i often used some cheats.(i always go and disable cheats before doing the save) (not sure if it's because of them or if i deleted something accientally! I'll explain later, now the cheats: )
I had some previous trouble with cheats that still persist, but never bothered me anyways:
1. the daycare has a ditto and an eevee who continue making eggs despite i disabled either the obtain egg and the quick hatch (an egg will pop up after a few steps (even if i dont press any button) and i can't take the pkmns down because the grandma tells me that her hsband is looking for me=another egg)
2. suicune wasn't showing in the last route (before the final encounter) and was nowhere (checked all the places)
Yesterday I used some new cheats: max pokeballs, 100% catch and rebattle pkmn. I used it to battle suicune (it appeared in the last place where it should be and i catched it with the 100%catch cheat on)
then i continued the game, obtained the badges left and arrived to mt.silver.
There I saved and then I connected my phone (Samsung galaxy Ace Style SM-GT310) to transfer some other data. I went in the Soul Silver folder and noticed i had either the zipped and the unzipped files. I tried to move the zipped file in the folder, but while it was moving, i changed my mind and clicked on "undo". Now the zipped file isn't in the folder and isn't out of it! It disappeared?
The fact is, after this when i try to play the game it does the thing i wrote at the beginning.
Also, the collar of my Typhlosion glitches with a tree, but don't know if this is normal, i just didn't notice it before!
And, i have 5 or 6 previous savestates, but they freeze too after a few steps!
Help, I don't know what to do!
Thanks to whoever will help!