Includes corrected scanline.dsd by xperia64. aaContrast, NatAA, & Toon +Dot, +HQ4x, & +SABR v3.0 Optimized LQ.
Reverse Super FXAA +aaContrast, +NatAA, & +Toon.
Super FXAA +aaContrast, +NatAA, & +Toon.
Super SMAA +aaContrast, +NatAA, & +Toon.
Dot filter is an overlay that provides antialiasing & the optical illusion of higher resolution, from interlacing. Like other filter overlays such as CRT, Scanlines & LCD. Dot being the smoothest of these.
The HQ4x & SABR ones are meant for upscaling 2D heavy games. HQ4x won't round 2D sprites too much. While SABR is really smooth. The effect is 100% with Hi Res 3D turned off, but off will lessen 3D clarity in 2D & 3D mixed games. 50% with Hi Res 3D on.
The files in the smaa folder within DraStic by default are included. As well as directed to. As specified in the respective .dfx files of Super SMAA. To be one less storage level closer during use for a minor performance increase. Same with fxaa_luma.dsd for Reverse Super FXAA & Super FXAA.
In Super SMAA's .dfx files, diagnol detection is enabled. Along with smaa preset low & medium. Instead of only high & ultra. Does a better job at smoothing 3D diagnols & edges than other shaders currently available for DraStic.
Super FXAA smooths out 2D & 3D by blurring subpixels. Gos well with 3D side scrollers & 3D fighters.
Reverse Super FXAA sharpens up subpixels & illuminates details. Increasing visibility. Looks good on any game, if you like sharpness.
The SABR shaders included are the 3x full version. Just renamed by removing 3x(Full) for simplicity. Renamed Cartoon shaders, their dfx & dsd files, to toon for simplicity. As well as nataa to NatAA. Renamed aacolour.dsd to aacontrast.dsd. Then edited rgb color channel intensity to 1.15 & contrast to 1.3 . Those values & saturation can be changed to your likeing.