Freezing issues with Pokemon Black / White 2

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Freezing issues with Pokemon Black / White 2

Post by JAndy » Thu Feb 02, 2023 12:35 am

I've already seen a few topics on this specific games as well on some YT videos, it's same freezing issue present in several points of the game, where the game menus freezes just after leaving anything related to the Pokemon menus.

Device name: moto g-52
Drastic version: r2.5.2.2a
Game: Pokemon Black 2 (file name Pokemon Black Version 2 (U,E)(NDSi Enhanced) )

Glitch description and how to replicate:

Started a new save file on Pokemon Black 2 /White 2, played until I got the starter and first rival fight, as soon as the Pokemon Center tutorial finish, the game gives you the option to check your "Pokemon" tab on the menu, as well the "Bag" to check your items.
As soon as you try to:
- Exit the Pokemon menu
- Check the info on any Pokemon of your team
- Try to give (not use) any item on your pokemon

The game freezes and the music get stuck on a loop

Im using and Android 12 device as well as the newest version of Drastic

As for the rom, I already tried several languajes with the same result, also I already tried to extract the NDS file from the rom .zip and no luck as well

Really hope someone can help with this particular issue

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