i'm searching on the forum and internet, I find similar topics but it not helped realy

I have an issue on my s20 advice with fast forward and I don't know why. Before I was on galaxy s7 and it worked perfectly.
Fast forward with 400% is lagging like a drop fast working as I can read (400% to 150 or less) I'm playing with a diaporama, 15 fps maximum for every game. The lightest game is running bad (urbz for exemple)
I tried every configuration, without frame skip, with manual and max frame skip, with sleep in render threading, with lower performance, max performance...
The application is looks like too. When I'm going to options and swap for audio into video or whatever it's not instant, it needs 1 seconde
On my older device everything was fine.
Its android 10 ? Was on 8.0 on galaxy s7...
Thanks a lot