Why ain't there more DS emulators for Android

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Kostas Gangstar
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Why ain't there more DS emulators for Android

Post by Kostas Gangstar » Wed Oct 30, 2019 12:15 am

Drastic is great and all but it's missing some things and it would be awesome if we had more options for DS!
There are only some inferior apps based on desmume, better desmume alternatives in Retroarch and a melonds core which is still "young" and inferior to the main PC emulator.

For example one major feature we miss on Android is multiplayer and just imagine how awesome it would be to have it working when everyone and their dog has a phone and internet connection nowadays (even if it's your neighbors WiFi or the WiFi of a public place :D)

One less requested feature is using and be able to modify our own firmware files like in desmume and melonds.

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Re: Why ain't there more DS emulators for Android

Post by SSUPII » Wed Oct 30, 2019 3:01 am

Emulator's development is way harder on mobile platforms mainly because of the limitations hardware applies.
And with smartphones being way less popular then pcs for emulation many emulators limit themself on running well.
Let's be real, there aren't many people that care for emulation accuracy on mobile platforms. In fact for many consoles there isn't a hardware accurate choice at all or this is extremely experimental.
With hardware becoming more powerful the emulation scene is growing, we just have to wait.

Drastic lets you change the firmware files, but is only useful for running encrypted ROMs.
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