Mario Kart DS as an anti-cheat?

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Mario Kart DS as an anti-cheat?

Post by SSUPII » Thu Aug 16, 2018 2:45 pm

I remember that I used a action replay code to adapt the top screen to a 16:9 screen and it worked just fine.
The thing that I want to talk about is that the game got a lot harder with the code activated (less good items even with a max items kart and overall harder AI). After disabling the code the game got beck to normal.
This can very likely be an insane coincidence or the code himself messes up AI and item rolls values, but can it also be that Mario Kart DS as an anti-cheat built in?
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Re: Mario Kart DS as an anti-cheat?

Post by kaikun97 » Thu Aug 16, 2018 6:15 pm

There is no anti-cheat I know of, otherwise it would be have been documented ages ago. This sounds like a coincidence to me, the AI can be very random sometimes :P

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