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Control snapping doesn't work

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 8:29 pm
by Fefo
It has never worked.

Setting checked, tried on both portrait and landscape, nothing. As someone who wasted hours triyng to pixel-align every control, this is very annoying.

Any idea?

EDIT: lol, tried to change my DPI to see if it was the problem (it wasn't) and my license broke. Changed back, nope. Had to revert to previous beta.


Re: Control snapping doesn't work

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 8:41 pm
by Lordus
It can't work, because it's not implemented. The snapping is only supposed to work for the screens at the moment.
I can add it, though.

Do you remember which license error code you got?

Re: Control snapping doesn't work

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 9:20 pm
by Fefo
Really? The time I've lost thinking I was doing something wrong... Please, PLEASE add it.

I will try to reproduce the error again, I can't remember now.
Done, error 833. Strangely I could open it on the first try, only on second it broke. Been using the latest beta for a while, so it's really related to DPI. It might have something to do with how Google Play derps when I screw the DPI like that.

FYI, Nexus 4 on CM11, gone back from DPI 190 to 320 (stock), then 190 again.

And since it's you, where is the best channel to report bugs? Can't use reverse portrait and landscape on latest betas and there's a UI bug for a long time, caused by forced immersive mode:

Re: Control snapping doesn't work

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 9:28 pm
by Lordus
You should report beta issues in the beta Google group.

Re: Control snapping doesn't work

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 9:40 pm
by Fefo
Thanks. Since this has started here I'll continue it here, any new license oddities and beta-related content will be there.

Sorry to derail it more, but where is the changelog, if it exists? Jay told me it was on the help menu, but there was 3 betas since I joined and I saw no changes.

Re: Control snapping doesn't work

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 9:58 pm
by Lordus
There were definitely changes in each of the last betas. It doesn't contain the core changes, though.
Reverse portrait will probably only work on tablets. Reverse landscape should work fine, though, as long as the setting is enabled.

Re: Control snapping doesn't work

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 10:34 pm
by Fefo
190DPI enables tablet mode :P. Customs can cheat that too.

Understood what's happening. Since you (or Exophase, don't remember) coded portrait mode to be locked I couldn't flip it. Changed to a landscape and it worked fine.

However, I would like to request more fixes:

Portrait mode is totally locked, while landscapes can assume any position, including portrait. This is fine and working as intended, however landscapes also disregards when I lock my orientation on Android, so I can't use reverse landscape while lying down. Please fix that if you can.

Unrelated, but please add a way to edit the message/commentary/description/whatever on DS BIOS, like I can edit my name. Mainly cosmetic, but still.

Re: Control snapping doesn't work

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 8:58 pm
by Fefo
Just posting to thank you, Exo and everyone for adressing some of my listed issues. There's still room for work, but the new version is already severely improved to me.