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Chances of this getting removed from the Play Store?

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 9:49 pm
by mindbender
Just curious, what's Google's history of dealing with for-profit emulators on the play store? And if Nintendo does make a move to have this taken down, what kind of recourse do all of us that paid $8 have as far as getting updates and new versions, or simply redownloading the emulator on a new device?

Simply put, I think this emulator was worth the $8, but I'm not sure Nintendo feels the same way, especially since you are profiting off of what they might consider "copyright infringement" (even if the bios/firmware files are not included!)

Re: Chances of this getting removed from the Play Store?

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 10:16 pm
by BeastieBoy
Relevant article: Google Pulls Yongzh's Emulator Apps Off
Android Market

what got Zhang the boot? Or, rather, who? Neither Zhang
nor Google have commented on the primary source of the
complaints against the developer's emulator apps. While most
speculate that one of the Big Three are behind the purge–
Nintendo, Sony, or Microsoft– there's also speculation that
Zhang allegedly violated the open source licenses for projects
that parts of his programs were derived from.
Depending on the terms of the licensing, Zhang could have
likely still charged money for his applications. He would have
probably had to release the source code for anything he
created, however–violating this principle would open Zhang's
apps up for takedown requests.
If one of the manufactures went after Zhang, it's likely more
an issue of trademark than of the legality of an emulator
Just look at the available emulators for Android now, the paid ones, notably for PSX, are alive and well.