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WiFi-Feature Source Code maybe found

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2017 11:56 am
by malek79a
After I heard that the MelonDS Developer created a Wifi-Feature, I explored the source code of the emulator and found the WiFi-Source code! Maybe it will work with Drastic DS, too.

If not, I can contact the Developer of MelonDS and ask him if he can create a WiFi Source code for Drastic.

Code: Select all

#ifndef WIFI_H
#define WIFI_H

namespace Wifi

    W_ID = 0x000,

    W_ModeReset = 0x004,
    W_ModeWEP = 0x006,
    W_TXStatCnt = 0x008,
    W_IF = 0x010,
    W_IE = 0x012,

    W_MACAddr0 = 0x018,
    W_MACAddr1 = 0x01A,
    W_MACAddr2 = 0x01C,
    W_BSSID0 = 0x020,
    W_BSSID1 = 0x022,
    W_BSSID2 = 0x024,
    W_AIDLow = 0x028,
    W_AIDFull = 0x02A,

    W_TXRetryLimit = 0x02C,
    W_RXCnt = 0x030,
    W_WEPCnt = 0x032,

    W_PowerUS = 0x036,
    W_PowerTX = 0x038,
    W_PowerState = 0x03C,
    W_PowerForce = 0x040,

    W_Random = 0x044,

    W_RXBufBegin = 0x050,
    W_RXBufEnd = 0x052,
    W_RXBufWriteCursor = 0x054,
    W_RXBufWriteAddr = 0x056,
    W_RXBufReadAddr = 0x058,
    W_RXBufReadCursor = 0x05A,
    W_RXBufCount = 0x05C,
    W_RXBufDataRead = 0x060,
    W_RXBufGapAddr = 0x062,
    W_RXBufGapSize = 0x064,

    W_TXBufWriteAddr = 0x068,
    W_TXBufCount = 0x06C,
    W_TXBufDataWrite = 0x070,
    W_TXBufGapAddr = 0x074,
    W_TXBufGapSize = 0x076,

    W_TXSlotBeacon = 0x080,
    W_TXBeaconTIM = 0x084,
    W_ListenCount = 0x088,
    W_BeaconInterval = 0x08C,
    W_ListenInterval = 0x08E,
    W_TXSlotCmd = 0x090,
    W_TXSlotReply1 = 0x094,
    W_TXSlotReply2 = 0x098,
    W_TXSlotLoc1 = 0x0A0,
    W_TXSlotLoc2 = 0x0A4,
    W_TXSlotLoc3 = 0x0A8,
    W_TXReqReset = 0x0AC,
    W_TXReqSet = 0x0AE,
    W_TXReqRead = 0x0B0,
    W_TXSlotReset = 0x0B4,
    W_TXBusy = 0x0B6,
    W_TXStat = 0x0B8,
    W_Preamble = 0x0BC,
    W_CmdTotalTime = 0x0C0,
    W_CmdReplyTime = 0x0C4,
    W_RXFilter = 0x0D0,
    W_RXFilter2 = 0x0E0,

    W_USCountCnt = 0x0E8,
    W_USCompareCnt = 0x0EA,
    W_CmdCountCnt = 0x0EE,

    W_USCount0 = 0x0F8,
    W_USCount1 = 0x0FA,
    W_USCount2 = 0x0FC,
    W_USCount3 = 0x0FE,
    W_USCompare0 = 0x0F0,
    W_USCompare1 = 0x0F2,
    W_USCompare2 = 0x0F4,
    W_USCompare3 = 0x0F6,

    W_ContentFree = 0x10C,
    W_PreBeacon = 0x110,
    W_CmdCount = 0x118,
    W_BeaconCount1 = 0x11C,
    W_BeaconCount2 = 0x134,

    W_BBCnt = 0x158,
    W_BBWrite = 0x15A,
    W_BBRead = 0x15C,
    W_BBBusy = 0x15E,
    W_BBMode = 0x160,
    W_BBPower = 0x168,

    W_RFData2 = 0x17C,
    W_RFData1 = 0x17E,
    W_RFBusy = 0x180,
    W_RFCnt = 0x184,

    W_TXHeaderCnt = 0x194,
    W_RFPins = 0x19C,

    W_RXStatIncIF = 0x1A8,
    W_RXStatIncIE = 0x1AA,
    W_RXStatHalfIF = 0x1AC,
    W_RXStatHalfIE = 0x1AE,
    W_TXErrorCount = 0x1C0,
    W_RXCount = 0x1C4,

    W_TXSeqNo = 0x210,
    W_RFStatus = 0x214,
    W_IFSet = 0x21C,
    W_RXTXAddr = 0x268,

extern bool MPInited;

bool Init();
void DeInit();
void Reset();

void StartTX_Beacon();

void USTimer(u32 param);

u16 Read(u32 addr);
void Write(u32 addr, u16 val);


⬇⬇⬇The following Code is for the Usage (Where should the WiFi-Feature used?)⬇⬇⬇

Code: Select all

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "NDS.h"
#include "SPI.h"
#include "Wifi.h"
#include "Platform.h"

namespace Wifi

//#define WIFI_LOG printf
#define WIFI_LOG(...) {}

u8 RAM[0x2000];
u16 IO[0x1000>>1];

#define IOPORT(x) IO[(x)>>1]

u16 Random;

u64 USCounter;
u64 USCompare;
bool BlockBeaconIRQ14;

u32 CmdCounter;

u16 BBCnt;
u8 BBWrite;
u8 BBRegs[0x100];
u8 BBRegsRO[0x100];

u8 RFVersion;
u16 RFCnt;
u16 RFData1;
u16 RFData2;
u32 RFRegs[0x40];

typedef struct
    u16 Addr;
    u16 Length;
    u8 Rate;
    u8 CurPhase;
    u32 CurPhaseTime;
    u32 HalfwordTimeMask;

} TXSlot;

TXSlot TXSlots[6];

u8 RXBuffer[2048];
u32 RXBufferPtr;
u32 RXTime;
u32 RXHalfwordTimeMask;
u16 RXEndAddr;

u32 ComStatus; // 0=waiting for packets  1=receiving  2=sending
u32 TXCurSlot;
u32 RXCounter;

int MPReplyTimer;
int MPNumReplies;

bool MPInited;

// multiplayer host TX sequence:
// 1. preamble
// 2. IRQ7
// 3. send data
// 4. optional IRQ1
// 5. wait for client replies (duration: 112 + ((10 * CMD_REPLYTIME) * numclients))
// 6. IRQ7
// 7. send ack (16 bytes, 1Mbps)
// 8. optional IRQ1, along with IRQ12 if the transfer was successful or if
//    there's no time left for a retry
// if the transfer has to be retried (for example, didn't get replies from all clients)
// and there is time, it repeats the sequence
// if there isn't enough time left on CMD_COUNT, IRQ12 is triggered alone when
// CMD_COUNT is 10, and the packet txheader[0] is set to 5
// RFSTATUS values:
// 0 = initial
// 1 = waiting for incoming packets
// 2 = switching from RX to TX
// 3 = TX
// 4 = switching from TX to RX
// 5 = MP host data sent, waiting for replies (RFPINS=0x0084)
// 6 = RX
// 7 = ??
// 8 = MP client sending reply, MP host sending ack (RFPINS=0x0046)
// 9 = idle

// wifi TODO:
// * power saving
// * RXSTAT, multiplay reply errors
// * TX errors (if applicable)

bool Init()
    MPInited = false;

    return true;

void DeInit()
    if (MPInited)

void Reset()
    memset(RAM, 0, 0x2000);
    memset(IO, 0, 0x1000);

    Random = 1;

    memset(BBRegs, 0, 0x100);
    memset(BBRegsRO, 0, 0x100);

    #define BBREG_FIXED(id, val)  BBRegs[id] = val; BBRegsRO[id] = 1;
    BBREG_FIXED(0x00, 0x6D);
    BBREG_FIXED(0x0D, 0x00);
    BBREG_FIXED(0x0E, 0x00);
    BBREG_FIXED(0x0F, 0x00);
    BBREG_FIXED(0x10, 0x00);
    BBREG_FIXED(0x11, 0x00);
    BBREG_FIXED(0x12, 0x00);
    BBREG_FIXED(0x16, 0x00);
    BBREG_FIXED(0x17, 0x00);
    BBREG_FIXED(0x18, 0x00);
    BBREG_FIXED(0x19, 0x00);
    BBREG_FIXED(0x1A, 0x00);
    BBREG_FIXED(0x27, 0x00);
    BBREG_FIXED(0x4D, 0x00); // 00 or BF
    BBREG_FIXED(0x5D, 0x01);
    BBREG_FIXED(0x5E, 0x00);
    BBREG_FIXED(0x5F, 0x00);
    BBREG_FIXED(0x60, 0x00);
    BBREG_FIXED(0x61, 0x00);
    BBREG_FIXED(0x64, 0xFF); // FF or 3F
    BBREG_FIXED(0x66, 0x00);
    for (int i = 0x69; i < 0x100; i++)
        BBREG_FIXED(i, 0x00);
    #undef BBREG_FIXED

    RFVersion = SPI_Firmware::GetRFVersion();
    memset(RFRegs, 0, 4*0x40);

    u8 console = SPI_Firmware::GetConsoleType();
    if (console == 0xFF)
        IOPORT(0x000) = 0x1440;
    else if (console == 0x20)
        IOPORT(0x000) = 0xC340;
        printf("wifi: unknown console type %02X\n", console);
        IOPORT(0x000) = 0x1440;

    memset(&IOPORT(0x018), 0xFF, 6);
    memset(&IOPORT(0x020), 0xFF, 6);

    USCounter = 0;
    USCompare = 0;
    BlockBeaconIRQ14 = false;

    ComStatus = 0;
    TXCurSlot = -1;
    RXCounter = 0;

    MPReplyTimer = 0;
    MPNumReplies = 0;

    CmdCounter = 0;

void SetIRQ(u32 irq)
    u32 oldflags = IOPORT(W_IF) & IOPORT(W_IE);

    IOPORT(W_IF) |= (1<<irq);
    u32 newflags = IOPORT(W_IF) & IOPORT(W_IE);

    if ((oldflags == 0) && (newflags != 0))
        NDS::SetIRQ(1, NDS::IRQ_Wifi);

void SetIRQ13()

    if (!(IOPORT(W_PowerTX) & 0x0002))
        IOPORT(0x034) = 0x0002;
        // TODO: 03C
        IOPORT(W_RFPins) = 0x0046;
        IOPORT(W_RFStatus) = 9;

void SetIRQ14(int source) // 0=USCOMPARE 1=BEACONCOUNT 2=forced
    if (source != 2)
        IOPORT(W_BeaconCount1) = IOPORT(W_BeaconInterval);

    if (BlockBeaconIRQ14 && source == 1)
    if (!(IOPORT(W_USCompareCnt)) & 0x0001)


    if (source == 2)
        printf("wifi: weird forced IRQ14\n");

    IOPORT(W_BeaconCount2) = 0xFFFF;
    IOPORT(W_TXReqRead) &= 0xFFF2;

    if (IOPORT(W_TXSlotBeacon) & 0x8000)

    if (IOPORT(W_ListenCount) == 0)
        IOPORT(W_ListenCount) = IOPORT(W_ListenInterval);


void SetIRQ15()

    if (IOPORT(W_PowerTX) & 0x0001)
        IOPORT(W_RFPins) |= 0x0080;
        IOPORT(W_RFStatus) = 1;

void SetStatus(u32 status)
    // TODO, eventually: states 2/4, also find out what state 7 is
    u16 rfpins[10] = {0x04, 0x84, 0, 0x46, 0, 0x84, 0x87, 0, 0x46, 0x04};
    IOPORT(W_RFStatus) = status;
    IOPORT(W_RFPins) = rfpins[status];

bool MACEqual(u8* a, u8* b)
    return (*(u32*)&a[0] == *(u32*)&b[0]) && (*(u16*)&a[4] == *(u16*)&b[4]);


int PreambleLen(int rate)
    if (rate == 1) return 192;
    if (IOPORT(W_Preamble) & 0x0004) return 96;
    return 192;

void StartTX_LocN(int nslot, int loc)
    TXSlot* slot = &TXSlots[nslot];

    if (IOPORT(W_TXSlotLoc1 + (loc*4)) & 0x7000)
        printf("wifi: unusual loc%d bits set %04X\n", loc, IOPORT(W_TXSlotLoc1 + (loc*4)));

    slot->Addr = (IOPORT(W_TXSlotLoc1 + (loc*4)) & 0x0FFF) << 1;
    slot->Length = *(u16*)&RAM[slot->Addr + 0xA] & 0x3FFF;

    u8 rate = RAM[slot->Addr + 0x8];
    if (rate == 0x14) slot->Rate = 2;
    else              slot->Rate = 1;

    slot->CurPhase = 0;
    slot->CurPhaseTime = PreambleLen(slot->Rate);

void StartTX_Cmd()
    TXSlot* slot = &TXSlots[1];

    // TODO: cancel the transfer if there isn't enough time left (check CMDCOUNT)

    if (IOPORT(W_TXSlotCmd) & 0x7000) printf("wifi: !! unusual TXSLOT_CMD bits set %04X\n", IOPORT(W_TXSlotCmd));

    slot->Addr = (IOPORT(W_TXSlotCmd) & 0x0FFF) << 1;
    slot->Length = *(u16*)&RAM[slot->Addr + 0xA] & 0x3FFF;

    u8 rate = RAM[slot->Addr + 0x8];
    if (rate == 0x14) slot->Rate = 2;
    else              slot->Rate = 1;

    slot->CurPhase = 0;
    slot->CurPhaseTime = PreambleLen(slot->Rate);

void StartTX_Beacon()
    TXSlot* slot = &TXSlots[4];

    slot->Addr = (IOPORT(W_TXSlotBeacon) & 0x0FFF) << 1;
    slot->Length = *(u16*)&RAM[slot->Addr + 0xA] & 0x3FFF;

    u8 rate = RAM[slot->Addr + 0x8];
    if (rate == 0x14) slot->Rate = 2;
    else              slot->Rate = 1;

    slot->CurPhase = 0;
    slot->CurPhaseTime = PreambleLen(slot->Rate);

    IOPORT(W_TXBusy) |= 0x0010;

// TODO eventually: there is a small delay to firing TX
void FireTX()
    u16 txbusy = IOPORT(W_TXBusy);

    u16 txreq = IOPORT(W_TXReqRead);
    u16 txstart = 0;
    if (IOPORT(W_TXSlotLoc1) & 0x8000) txstart |= 0x0001;
    if (IOPORT(W_TXSlotCmd ) & 0x8000) txstart |= 0x0002;
    if (IOPORT(W_TXSlotLoc2) & 0x8000) txstart |= 0x0004;
    if (IOPORT(W_TXSlotLoc3) & 0x8000) txstart |= 0x0008;

    txstart &= txreq;
    txstart &= ~txbusy;

    IOPORT(W_TXBusy) = txbusy | txstart;

    if (txstart & 0x0008)
        StartTX_LocN(3, 2);

    if (txstart & 0x0004)
        StartTX_LocN(2, 1);

    if (txstart & 0x0002)

    if (txstart & 0x0001)
        StartTX_LocN(0, 0);

void SendMPReply(u16 clienttime, u16 clientmask)
    TXSlot* slot = &TXSlots[5];

    // mark the last packet as success. dunno what the MSB is, it changes.
    if (IOPORT(W_TXSlotReply2) & 0x8000)
        *(u16*)&RAM[slot->Addr] = 0x0001;

    IOPORT(W_TXSlotReply2) = IOPORT(W_TXSlotReply1);
    IOPORT(W_TXSlotReply1) = 0;

    // this seems to be set upon IRQ0
    // TODO: how does it behave if the packet addr is changed before it gets sent? (maybe just not possible)
    if (IOPORT(W_TXSlotReply2) & 0x8000)
        slot->Addr = (IOPORT(W_TXSlotReply2) & 0x0FFF) << 1;
        *(u16*)&RAM[slot->Addr + 0x4] = 0x0001;

    u16 clientnum = 0;
    for (int i = 1; i < IOPORT(W_AIDLow); i++)
        if (clientmask & (1<<i))

    slot->CurPhase = 0;
    slot->CurPhaseTime = 16 + ((clienttime + 10) * clientnum);

    IOPORT(W_TXBusy) |= 0x0080;

void SendMPDefaultReply()
    u8 reply[12 + 32];

    *(u16*)&reply[0xA] = 28; // length

    // rate
    //if (TXSlots[1].Rate == 2) reply[0x8] = 0x14;
    //else                      reply[0x8] = 0xA;
    // TODO
    reply[0x8] = 0x14;

   *(u16*)&reply[0xC + 0x00] = 0x0158;
   *(u16*)&reply[0xC + 0x02] = 0x00F0;//0; // TODO??
   *(u16*)&reply[0xC + 0x04] = IOPORT(W_BSSID0);
   *(u16*)&reply[0xC + 0x06] = IOPORT(W_BSSID1);
   *(u16*)&reply[0xC + 0x08] = IOPORT(W_BSSID2);
   *(u16*)&reply[0xC + 0x0A] = IOPORT(W_MACAddr0);
   *(u16*)&reply[0xC + 0x0C] = IOPORT(W_MACAddr1);
   *(u16*)&reply[0xC + 0x0E] = IOPORT(W_MACAddr2);
   *(u16*)&reply[0xC + 0x10] = 0x0903;
   *(u16*)&reply[0xC + 0x12] = 0x00BF;
   *(u16*)&reply[0xC + 0x14] = 0x1000;
   *(u16*)&reply[0xC + 0x16] = IOPORT(W_TXSeqNo) << 4;
   *(u32*)&reply[0xC + 0x18] = 0;

   int txlen = Platform::MP_SendPacket(reply, 12+28);
   WIFI_LOG("wifi: sent %d/40 bytes of MP default reply\n", txlen);

void SendMPAck()
    u8 ack[12 + 32];

    *(u16*)&ack[0xA] = 32; // length

    // rate
    if (TXSlots[1].Rate == 2) ack[0x8] = 0x14;
    else                      ack[0x8] = 0xA;

   *(u16*)&ack[0xC + 0x00] = 0x0218;
   *(u16*)&ack[0xC + 0x02] = 0;
   *(u16*)&ack[0xC + 0x04] = 0x0903;
   *(u16*)&ack[0xC + 0x06] = 0x00BF;
   *(u16*)&ack[0xC + 0x08] = 0x0300;
   *(u16*)&ack[0xC + 0x0A] = IOPORT(W_BSSID0);
   *(u16*)&ack[0xC + 0x0C] = IOPORT(W_BSSID1);
   *(u16*)&ack[0xC + 0x0E] = IOPORT(W_BSSID2);
   *(u16*)&ack[0xC + 0x10] = IOPORT(W_MACAddr0);
   *(u16*)&ack[0xC + 0x12] = IOPORT(W_MACAddr1);
   *(u16*)&ack[0xC + 0x14] = IOPORT(W_MACAddr2);
   *(u16*)&ack[0xC + 0x16] = IOPORT(W_TXSeqNo) << 4;
   *(u16*)&ack[0xC + 0x18] = 0x0033; // ???
   *(u16*)&ack[0xC + 0x1A] = 0;
   *(u32*)&ack[0xC + 0x1C] = 0;

   int txlen = Platform::MP_SendPacket(ack, 12+32);
   WIFI_LOG("wifi: sent %d/44 bytes of MP ack, %d %d\n", txlen, ComStatus, RXTime);

u32 NumClients(u16 bitmask)
    u32 ret = 0;
    for (int i = 1; i < 16; i++)
        if (bitmask & (1<<i)) ret++;
    return ret;

bool CheckRX(bool block);

bool ProcessTX(TXSlot* slot, int num)
    if (slot->CurPhaseTime > 0)
        if (slot->CurPhase == 1)
            if (!(slot->CurPhaseTime & slot->HalfwordTimeMask))
        else if (slot->CurPhase == 2)
            if (MPReplyTimer == 0 && MPNumReplies > 0)
                if (CheckRX(true))
                    ComStatus |= 0x1;

                // TODO: properly handle reply errors
                // also, if the reply is too big to fit within its window, what happens?

                MPReplyTimer = 10 + IOPORT(W_CmdReplyTime);

        return false;

    switch (slot->CurPhase)
    case 0: // preamble done

            if (num == 5)
                // MP reply slot
                // setup needs to be done now as port 098 can get changed in the meantime


                // if no reply is configured, send a default empty reply
                if (!(IOPORT(W_TXSlotReply2) & 0x8000))

                    slot->Addr = 0;
                    slot->Length = 28;
                    slot->Rate = 2; // TODO
                    slot->CurPhase = 4;
                    slot->CurPhaseTime = 28*4;
                    slot->HalfwordTimeMask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
                    IOPORT(W_TXSeqNo) = (IOPORT(W_TXSeqNo) + 1) & 0x0FFF;

                slot->Addr = (IOPORT(W_TXSlotReply2) & 0x0FFF) << 1;
                slot->Length = *(u16*)&RAM[slot->Addr + 0xA] & 0x3FFF;

                // TODO: duration should be set by hardware
                // doesn't seem to be important
                //RAM[slot->Addr + 0xC + 2] = 0x00F0;

                u8 rate = RAM[slot->Addr + 0x8];
                if (rate == 0x14) slot->Rate = 2;
                else              slot->Rate = 1;

            u32 len = slot->Length;
            if (slot->Rate == 2)
                len *= 4;
                slot->HalfwordTimeMask = 0x7;
                len *= 8;
                slot->HalfwordTimeMask = 0xF;

            slot->CurPhase = 1;
            slot->CurPhaseTime = len;

            u64 oldts;
            if (num == 4)
                // beacon timestamp
                oldts = *(u64*)&RAM[slot->Addr + 0xC + 24];
                *(u64*)&RAM[slot->Addr + 0xC + 24] = USCounter;

            //u32 noseqno = 0;
            //if (num == 1) noseqno = (IOPORT(W_TXSlotCmd) & 0x4000);

            //if (!noseqno)
                *(u16*)&RAM[slot->Addr + 0xC + 22] = IOPORT(W_TXSeqNo) << 4;
                IOPORT(W_TXSeqNo) = (IOPORT(W_TXSeqNo) + 1) & 0x0FFF;

            // set TX addr
            IOPORT(W_RXTXAddr) = slot->Addr >> 1;

            int txlen = Platform::MP_SendPacket(&RAM[slot->Addr], 12 + slot->Length);
            WIFI_LOG("wifi: sent %d/%d bytes of slot%d packet, addr=%04X, framectl=%04X, %04X %04X\n",
                     txlen, slot->Length+12, num, slot->Addr, *(u16*)&RAM[slot->Addr + 0xC],
                     *(u16*)&RAM[slot->Addr + 0x24], *(u16*)&RAM[slot->Addr + 0x26]);

            if (num == 4)
                *(u64*)&RAM[slot->Addr + 0xC + 24] = oldts;

    case 1: // transmit done
            // for the MP reply slot, this is set later
            if (num != 5)
                *(u16*)&RAM[slot->Addr] = 0x0001;
            RAM[slot->Addr + 5] = 0;

            if (num == 1)
                if (IOPORT(W_TXStatCnt) & 0x4000)
                    IOPORT(W_TXStat) = 0x0800;

                u16 clientmask = *(u16*)&RAM[slot->Addr + 12 + 24 + 2];
                MPNumReplies = NumClients(clientmask);
                MPReplyTimer = 16;

                slot->CurPhase = 2;
                slot->CurPhaseTime = 112 + ((10 + IOPORT(W_CmdReplyTime)) * MPNumReplies);

            else if (num == 5)
                if (IOPORT(W_TXStatCnt) & 0x1000)
                    IOPORT(W_TXStat) = 0x0401;

                IOPORT(W_TXBusy) &= ~0x80;
                return true;

            IOPORT(W_TXBusy) &= ~(1<<num);

            switch (num)
            case 0:
            case 2:
            case 3:
                IOPORT(W_TXStat) = 0x0001 | ((num?(num-1):0)<<12);
                IOPORT(W_TXSlotLoc1 + ((num?(num-1):0)*4)) &= 0x7FFF;

            case 4: // beacon
                if (IOPORT(W_TXStatCnt) & 0x8000)
                    IOPORT(W_TXStat) = 0x0301;


        return true;

    case 2: // MP host transfer done

            IOPORT(W_RXTXAddr) = 0xFC0;

            if (slot->Rate == 2) slot->CurPhaseTime = 32 * 4;
            else                 slot->CurPhaseTime = 32 * 8;


            slot->CurPhase = 3;

    case 3: // MP host ack transfer (reply wait done)
            // checkme
            IOPORT(W_TXBusy) &= ~(1<<1);
            IOPORT(W_TXSlotCmd) &= 0x7FFF; // confirmed

            // seems this is set to indicate which clients failed to reply
            *(u16*)&RAM[slot->Addr + 0x2] = 0;

            IOPORT(W_TXSeqNo) = (IOPORT(W_TXSeqNo) + 1) & 0x0FFF;

            if (IOPORT(W_TXStatCnt) & 0x2000)
                IOPORT(W_TXStat) = 0x0B01;

        return true;

    case 4: // MP default reply transfer finished
            IOPORT(W_TXBusy) &= ~0x80;
        return true;

    return false;

inline void IncrementRXAddr(u16& addr, u16 inc)
    addr += inc;
    if (addr >= (IOPORT(W_RXBufEnd) & 0x1FFE))
        addr -= (IOPORT(W_RXBufEnd) & 0x1FFE);
        addr += (IOPORT(W_RXBufBegin) & 0x1FFE);

inline void IncrementRXAddr(u16& addr)
    addr += 2;
    if (addr == (IOPORT(W_RXBufEnd) & 0x1FFE))
        addr = (IOPORT(W_RXBufBegin) & 0x1FFE);

bool CheckRX(bool block)
    if (!(IOPORT(W_RXCnt) & 0x8000))
        return false;

    u16 framelen;
    u16 framectl;
    u8 txrate;
    bool bssidmatch;
    u16 rxflags;

    for (;;)
        int rxlen = Platform::MP_RecvPacket(RXBuffer, block);
        if (rxlen == 0) return false;
        if (rxlen < 12+24) continue;

        framelen = *(u16*)&RXBuffer[10];
        if (framelen != rxlen-12)
            printf("bad frame length\n");
        framelen -= 4;

        framectl = *(u16*)&RXBuffer[12+0];
        txrate = RXBuffer[8];

        u32 a_src, a_dst, a_bss;
        rxflags = 0x0010;
        switch (framectl & 0x000C)
        case 0x0000: // management
            a_src = 10;
            a_dst = 4;
            a_bss = 16;
            if ((framectl & 0x00F0) == 0x0080)
                rxflags |= 0x0001;

        case 0x0004: // control

        case 0x0008: // data
            switch (framectl & 0x0300)
            case 0x0000: // STA to STA
                a_src = 10;
                a_dst = 4;
                a_bss = 16;
            case 0x0100: // STA to DS
                a_src = 10;
                a_dst = 16;
                a_bss = 4;
            case 0x0200: // DS to STA
                a_src = 16;
                a_dst = 4;
                a_bss = 10;
            case 0x0300: // DS to DS
            // TODO: those also trigger on other framectl values
            // like 0208 -> C
            framectl &= 0xE7FF;
            if      (framectl == 0x0228) rxflags |= 0x000C; // MP host frame
            else if (framectl == 0x0218) rxflags |= 0x000D; // MP ack frame
            else if (framectl == 0x0118) rxflags |= 0x000E; // MP reply frame
            else if (framectl == 0x0158) rxflags |= 0x000F; // empty MP reply frame
            else                         rxflags |= 0x0008;

        if (MACEqual(&RXBuffer[12 + a_src], (u8*)&IOPORT(W_MACAddr0)))
            continue; // oops. we received a packet we just sent.

        bssidmatch = MACEqual(&RXBuffer[12 + a_bss], (u8*)&IOPORT(W_BSSID0));
        if (!(IOPORT(W_BSSID0) & 0x0001) && !(RXBuffer[12 + a_bss] & 0x01) &&
            printf("received packet %04X but it didn't pass the BSSID check\n", framectl);


    WIFI_LOG("wifi: received packet FC:%04X SN:%04X CL:%04X RXT:%d CMT:%d\n",
             framectl, *(u16*)&RXBuffer[12+4+6+6+6], *(u16*)&RXBuffer[12+4+6+6+6+2+2], framelen*4, IOPORT(W_CmdReplyTime));

    // make RX header

    if (bssidmatch) rxflags |= 0x8000;

    *(u16*)&RXBuffer[0] = rxflags;
    *(u16*)&RXBuffer[2] = 0x0040; // ???
    *(u16*)&RXBuffer[6] = txrate;
    *(u16*)&RXBuffer[8] = framelen;
    *(u16*)&RXBuffer[10] = 0x4080; // min/max RSSI. dunno

    RXTime = framelen;

    if (txrate == 0x14)
        RXTime *= 4;
        RXHalfwordTimeMask = 0x7;
        RXTime *= 8;
        RXHalfwordTimeMask = 0xF;

    u16 addr = IOPORT(W_RXBufWriteCursor) << 1;
    IncrementRXAddr(addr, 12);
    IOPORT(W_RXTXAddr) = addr >> 1;

    RXBufferPtr = 12;

    return true;

void MSTimer()
    if (IOPORT(W_USCompareCnt))
        if (USCounter == USCompare)
            BlockBeaconIRQ14 = false;

    if (IOPORT(W_BeaconCount1) == 0)

    if (IOPORT(W_BeaconCount2) != 0)
        if (IOPORT(W_BeaconCount2) == 0) SetIRQ13();

void USTimer(u32 param)
    if (IOPORT(W_USCountCnt))
        u32 uspart = (USCounter & 0x3FF);

        if (IOPORT(W_USCompareCnt))
            u32 beaconus = (IOPORT(W_BeaconCount1) << 10) | (0x3FF - uspart);
            if (beaconus == IOPORT(W_PreBeacon)) SetIRQ15();

        if (!uspart) MSTimer();

    if (IOPORT(W_CmdCountCnt) & 0x0001)
        if (CmdCounter > 0)

    if (IOPORT(W_ContentFree) != 0)

    if (ComStatus == 0)
        u16 txbusy = IOPORT(W_TXBusy);
        if (txbusy)
            ComStatus = 0x2;
            if      (txbusy & 0x0080) TXCurSlot = 5;
            else if (txbusy & 0x0010) TXCurSlot = 4;
            else if (txbusy & 0x0008) TXCurSlot = 3;
            else if (txbusy & 0x0004) TXCurSlot = 2;
            else if (txbusy & 0x0002) TXCurSlot = 1;
            else if (txbusy & 0x0001) TXCurSlot = 0;
            if ((!(RXCounter & 0x1FF)))
                if (CheckRX(false))
                    ComStatus = 0x1;


    if (ComStatus & 0x2)
        bool finished = ProcessTX(&TXSlots[TXCurSlot], TXCurSlot);
        if (finished)
            // transfer finished, see if there's another slot to do
            // checkme: priority order of beacon/reply
            // TODO: for CMD, check CMDCOUNT
            u16 txbusy = IOPORT(W_TXBusy);
            if      (txbusy & 0x0080) TXCurSlot = 5;
            else if (txbusy & 0x0010) TXCurSlot = 4;
            else if (txbusy & 0x0008) TXCurSlot = 3;
            else if (txbusy & 0x0004) TXCurSlot = 2;
            else if (txbusy & 0x0002) TXCurSlot = 1;
            else if (txbusy & 0x0001) TXCurSlot = 0;
                TXCurSlot = -1;
                ComStatus = 0;
                RXCounter = 0;
    if (ComStatus & 0x1)
        if (!(RXTime & RXHalfwordTimeMask))
            u16 addr = IOPORT(W_RXTXAddr) << 1;
            *(u16*)&RAM[addr] = *(u16*)&RXBuffer[RXBufferPtr];

            RXBufferPtr += 2;

            if (RXTime == 0) // finished receiving
                if (addr & 0x2) IncrementRXAddr(addr);

                // copy the RX header
                u16 headeraddr = IOPORT(W_RXBufWriteCursor) << 1;
                *(u16*)&RAM[headeraddr] = *(u16*)&RXBuffer[0]; IncrementRXAddr(headeraddr);
                *(u16*)&RAM[headeraddr] = *(u16*)&RXBuffer[2]; IncrementRXAddr(headeraddr, 4);
                *(u16*)&RAM[headeraddr] = *(u16*)&RXBuffer[6]; IncrementRXAddr(headeraddr);
                *(u16*)&RAM[headeraddr] = *(u16*)&RXBuffer[8]; IncrementRXAddr(headeraddr);
                *(u16*)&RAM[headeraddr] = *(u16*)&RXBuffer[10];

                IOPORT(W_RXBufWriteCursor) = (addr & ~0x3) >> 1;


                WIFI_LOG("wifi: finished receiving packet %04X\n", *(u16*)&RXBuffer[12]);

                ComStatus &= ~0x1;
                RXCounter = 0;

                if ((RXBuffer[0] & 0x0F) == 0x0C)
                    u16 clientmask = *(u16*)&RXBuffer[0xC + 26];
                    if (IOPORT(W_AIDLow) && (RXBuffer[0xC + 4] & 0x01) && (clientmask & (1 << IOPORT(W_AIDLow))))
                        SendMPReply(*(u16*)&RXBuffer[0xC + 24], *(u16*)&RXBuffer[0xC + 26]);

            if (addr == (IOPORT(W_RXBufReadCursor) << 1))
                printf("wifi: RX buffer full\n");
                RXTime = 0;
                if (TXCurSlot == -1)
                    ComStatus &= ~0x1;
                    RXCounter = 0;
                // TODO: proper error management

            IOPORT(W_RXTXAddr) = addr >> 1;

    // TODO: make it more accurate, eventually
    // in the DS, the wifi system has its own 22MHz clock and doesn't use the system clock
    NDS::ScheduleEvent(NDS::Event_Wifi, true, 33, USTimer, 0);

void RFTransfer_Type2()
    u32 id = (IOPORT(W_RFData2) >> 2) & 0x1F;

    if (IOPORT(W_RFData2) & 0x0080)
        u32 data = RFRegs[id];
        IOPORT(W_RFData1) = data & 0xFFFF;
        IOPORT(W_RFData2) = (IOPORT(W_RFData2) & 0xFFFC) | ((data >> 16) & 0x3);
        u32 data = IOPORT(W_RFData1) | ((IOPORT(W_RFData2) & 0x0003) << 16);
        RFRegs[id] = data;

void RFTransfer_Type3()
    u32 id = (IOPORT(W_RFData1) >> 8) & 0x3F;

    u32 cmd = IOPORT(W_RFData2) & 0xF;
    if (cmd == 6)
        IOPORT(W_RFData1) = (IOPORT(W_RFData1) & 0xFF00) | (RFRegs[id] & 0xFF);
    else if (cmd == 5)
        u32 data = IOPORT(W_RFData1) & 0xFF;
        RFRegs[id] = data;

// TODO: wifi waitstates

u16 Read(u32 addr)
    if (addr >= 0x04810000)
        return 0;

    addr &= 0x7FFE;
    //printf("WIFI: read %08X\n", addr);
    if (addr >= 0x4000 && addr < 0x6000)
        return *(u16*)&RAM[addr & 0x1FFE];
    if (addr >= 0x2000 && addr < 0x4000)
        return 0xFFFF;

    bool activeread = (addr < 0x1000);

    switch (addr)
    case W_Random: // random generator. not accurate
        Random = (Random & 0x1) ^ (((Random & 0x3FF) << 1) | (Random >> 10));
        return Random;

    case W_Preamble:
        return IOPORT(W_Preamble) & 0x0003;

    case W_USCount0: return (u16)(USCounter & 0xFFFF);
    case W_USCount1: return (u16)((USCounter >> 16) & 0xFFFF);
    case W_USCount2: return (u16)((USCounter >> 32) & 0xFFFF);
    case W_USCount3: return (u16)(USCounter >> 48);

    case W_USCompare0: return (u16)(USCompare & 0xFFFF);
    case W_USCompare1: return (u16)((USCompare >> 16) & 0xFFFF);
    case W_USCompare2: return (u16)((USCompare >> 32) & 0xFFFF);
    case W_USCompare3: return (u16)(USCompare >> 48);

    case W_CmdCount: return (CmdCounter + 9) / 10;

    case W_BBRead:
        if ((IOPORT(W_BBCnt) & 0xF000) != 0x6000)
            printf("WIFI: bad BB read, CNT=%04X\n", IOPORT(W_BBCnt));
            return 0;
        return BBRegs[IOPORT(W_BBCnt) & 0xFF];

    case W_BBBusy:
        return 0; // TODO eventually (BB busy flag)
    case W_RFBusy:
        return 0; // TODO eventually (RF busy flag)

    case W_RXBufDataRead:
        if (activeread)
            u32 rdaddr = IOPORT(W_RXBufReadAddr);

            u16 ret = *(u16*)&RAM[rdaddr];

            rdaddr += 2;
            if (rdaddr == (IOPORT(W_RXBufEnd) & 0x1FFE))
                rdaddr = (IOPORT(W_RXBufBegin) & 0x1FFE);
            if (rdaddr == IOPORT(W_RXBufGapAddr))
                rdaddr += (IOPORT(W_RXBufGapSize) << 1);
                if (rdaddr >= (IOPORT(W_RXBufEnd) & 0x1FFE))
                    rdaddr = rdaddr + (IOPORT(W_RXBufBegin) & 0x1FFE) - (IOPORT(W_RXBufEnd) & 0x1FFE);

                if (IOPORT(0x000) == 0xC340)
                    IOPORT(W_RXBufGapSize) = 0;

            IOPORT(W_RXBufReadAddr) = rdaddr & 0x1FFE;
            IOPORT(W_RXBufDataRead) = ret;

            if (IOPORT(W_RXBufCount) > 0)
                if (IOPORT(W_RXBufCount) == 0)

    case W_TXBusy:
        return IOPORT(W_TXBusy) & 0x001F; // no bit for MP replies. odd

    //printf("WIFI: read %08X\n", addr);
    return IOPORT(addr&0xFFF);

void Write(u32 addr, u16 val)
    if (addr >= 0x04810000)

    addr &= 0x7FFE;
    //printf("WIFI: write %08X %04X\n", addr, val);
    if (addr >= 0x4000 && addr < 0x6000)
        *(u16*)&RAM[addr & 0x1FFE] = val;
    if (addr >= 0x2000 && addr < 0x4000)

    switch (addr)
    case W_ModeReset:
            u16 oldval = IOPORT(W_ModeReset);

            if (!(oldval & 0x0001) && (val & 0x0001))
                IOPORT(0x034) = 0x0002;
                IOPORT(W_RFPins) = 0x0046;
                IOPORT(W_RFStatus) = 9;
                IOPORT(0x27C) = 0x0005;
                // TODO: 02A2??
            else if ((oldval & 0x0001) && !(val & 0x0001))
                IOPORT(0x27C) = 0x000A;

            if (val & 0x2000)
                IOPORT(W_RXBufWriteAddr) = 0;
                IOPORT(W_CmdTotalTime) = 0;
                IOPORT(W_CmdReplyTime) = 0;
                IOPORT(0x1A4) = 0;
                IOPORT(0x278) = 0x000F;
                // TODO: other ports??
            if (val & 0x4000)
                IOPORT(W_ModeWEP) = 0;
                IOPORT(W_TXStatCnt) = 0;
                IOPORT(0x00A) = 0;
                IOPORT(W_MACAddr0) = 0;
                IOPORT(W_MACAddr1) = 0;
                IOPORT(W_MACAddr2) = 0;
                IOPORT(W_BSSID0) = 0;
                IOPORT(W_BSSID1) = 0;
                IOPORT(W_BSSID2) = 0;
                IOPORT(W_AIDLow) = 0;
                IOPORT(W_AIDFull) = 0;
                IOPORT(W_TXRetryLimit) = 0x0707;
                IOPORT(0x02E) = 0;
                IOPORT(W_RXBufBegin) = 0x4000;
                IOPORT(W_RXBufEnd) = 0x4800;
                IOPORT(W_TXBeaconTIM) = 0;
                IOPORT(W_Preamble) = 0x0001;
                IOPORT(W_RXFilter) = 0x0401;
                IOPORT(0x0D4) = 0x0001;
                IOPORT(W_RXFilter2) = 0x0008;
                IOPORT(0x0EC) = 0x3F03;
                IOPORT(W_TXHeaderCnt) = 0;
                IOPORT(0x198) = 0;
                IOPORT(0x1A2) = 0x0001;
                IOPORT(0x224) = 0x0003;
                IOPORT(0x230) = 0x0047;

    case W_ModeWEP:
        val &= 0x007F;

    case W_IF:
        IOPORT(W_IF) &= ~val;
    case W_IFSet:
        IOPORT(W_IF) |= (val & 0xFBFF);
        printf("wifi: force-setting IF %04X\n", val);

    case W_PowerState:
        if (val & 0x0002)
            // TODO: delay for this
            IOPORT(W_PowerState) = 0x0000;

            // checkme
            IOPORT(W_RFPins) = 0x00C6;
            IOPORT(W_RFStatus) = 9;
    case W_PowerForce:
        if ((val&0x8001)==0x8000) printf("WIFI: forcing power %04X\n", val);
        val &= 0x8001;
        if (val == 0x8001)
            IOPORT(0x034) = 0x0002;
            IOPORT(W_PowerState) = 0x0200;
            IOPORT(W_TXReqRead) = 0;
            IOPORT(W_RFPins) = 0x0046;
            IOPORT(W_RFStatus) = 9;
    case W_PowerUS:
        // schedule timer event when the clock is enabled
        // TODO: check whether this resets USCOUNT (and also which other events can reset it)
        if ((IOPORT(W_PowerUS) & 0x0001) && !(val & 0x0001))
            NDS::ScheduleEvent(NDS::Event_Wifi, true, 33, USTimer, 0);
            if (!MPInited)
                MPInited = true;
        else if (!(IOPORT(W_PowerUS) & 0x0001) && (val & 0x0001))

    case W_USCountCnt: val &= 0x0001; break;
    case W_USCompareCnt:
        if (val & 0x0002) SetIRQ14(2);
        val &= 0x0001;

    case W_USCount0: USCounter = (USCounter & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF0000) | (u64)val; return;
    case W_USCount1: USCounter = (USCounter & 0xFFFFFFFF0000FFFF) | ((u64)val << 16); return;
    case W_USCount2: USCounter = (USCounter & 0xFFFF0000FFFFFFFF) | ((u64)val << 32); return;
    case W_USCount3: USCounter = (USCounter & 0x0000FFFFFFFFFFFF) | ((u64)val << 48); return;

    case W_USCompare0:
        USCompare = (USCompare & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF0000) | (u64)(val & 0xFC00);
        if (val & 0x0001) BlockBeaconIRQ14 = true;
    case W_USCompare1: USCompare = (USCompare & 0xFFFFFFFF0000FFFF) | ((u64)val << 16); return;
    case W_USCompare2: USCompare = (USCompare & 0xFFFF0000FFFFFFFF) | ((u64)val << 32); return;
    case W_USCompare3: USCompare = (USCompare & 0x0000FFFFFFFFFFFF) | ((u64)val << 48); return;

    case W_CmdCount: CmdCounter = val * 10; return;

    case W_BBCnt:
        IOPORT(W_BBCnt) = val;
        if ((IOPORT(W_BBCnt) & 0xF000) == 0x5000)
            u32 regid = IOPORT(W_BBCnt) & 0xFF;
            if (!BBRegsRO[regid])
                BBRegs[regid] = IOPORT(W_BBWrite) & 0xFF;

    case W_RFData2:
        IOPORT(W_RFData2) = val;
        if (RFVersion == 3) RFTransfer_Type3();
        else                RFTransfer_Type2();
    case W_RFCnt:
        val &= 0x413F;

    case W_RXCnt:
        if (val & 0x0001)
            IOPORT(W_RXBufWriteCursor) = IOPORT(W_RXBufWriteAddr);
        if (val & 0x0080)
            IOPORT(W_TXSlotReply2) = IOPORT(W_TXSlotReply1);
            IOPORT(W_TXSlotReply1) = 0;
        val &= 0xFF0E;
        if (val & 0x7FFF) printf("wifi: unknown RXCNT bits set %04X\n", val);

    case W_RXBufDataRead:
        printf("wifi: writing to RXBUF_DATA_READ. wat\n");
        if (IOPORT(W_RXBufCount) > 0)
            if (IOPORT(W_RXBufCount) == 0)

    case W_RXBufReadAddr:
    case W_RXBufGapAddr:
        val &= 0x1FFE;
    case W_RXBufGapSize:
    case W_RXBufCount:
    case W_RXBufWriteAddr:
    case W_RXBufReadCursor:
        val &= 0x0FFF;

    case W_TXReqReset:
        IOPORT(W_TXReqRead) &= ~val;
    case W_TXReqSet:
        IOPORT(W_TXReqRead) |= val;

    case W_TXSlotReset:
        if (val & 0x0001) IOPORT(W_TXSlotLoc1) &= 0x7FFF;
        if (val & 0x0002) IOPORT(W_TXSlotCmd) &= 0x7FFF;
        if (val & 0x0004) IOPORT(W_TXSlotLoc2) &= 0x7FFF;
        if (val & 0x0008) IOPORT(W_TXSlotLoc3) &= 0x7FFF;
        // checkme: any bits affecting the beacon slot?
        if (val & 0x0040) IOPORT(W_TXSlotReply2) &= 0x7FFF;
        if (val & 0x0080) IOPORT(W_TXSlotReply1) &= 0x7FFF;
        if ((val & 0xFF30) && (val != 0xFFFF)) printf("unusual TXSLOTRESET %04X\n", val);
        val = 0; // checkme (write-only port)

    case W_TXBufDataWrite:
            u32 wraddr = IOPORT(W_TXBufWriteAddr);
            *(u16*)&RAM[wraddr] = val;

            wraddr += 2;
            if (wraddr == IOPORT(W_TXBufGapAddr))
                wraddr += (IOPORT(W_TXBufGapSize) << 1);

            //if (IOPORT(0x000) == 0xC340)
            //    IOPORT(W_TXBufGapSize) = 0;

            IOPORT(W_TXBufWriteAddr) = wraddr & 0x1FFE;

            if (IOPORT(W_TXBufCount) > 0)
                if (IOPORT(W_TXBufCount) == 0)

    case W_TXBufWriteAddr:
    case W_TXBufGapAddr:
        val &= 0x1FFE;
    case W_TXBufGapSize:
    case W_TXBufCount:
        val &= 0x0FFF;

    case W_TXSlotLoc1:
    case W_TXSlotLoc2:
    case W_TXSlotLoc3:
    case W_TXSlotCmd:
        // checkme: is it possible to cancel a queued transfer that hasn't started yet
        // by clearing bit15 here?
        IOPORT(addr&0xFFF) = val;

    case 0x228:
    case 0x244:
        printf("wifi: write port%03X %04X\n", addr, val);

    // read-only ports
    case 0x000:
    case 0x044:
    case 0x054:
    case 0x0B0:
    case 0x0B6:
    case 0x0B8:
    case 0x15C:
    case 0x15E:
    case 0x180:
    case 0x19C:
    case 0x1A8:
    case 0x1AC:
    case 0x1C4:
    case 0x210:
    case 0x214:
    case 0x268:

    //printf("WIFI: write %08X %04X\n", addr, val);
    IOPORT(addr&0xFFF) = val;

Re: WiFi-Feature Source Code maybe found

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2017 2:11 pm
by Fritzfreak
Good idea !
Do it, maybe we will have multiplayer too :))

Re: WiFi-Feature Source Code maybe found

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2017 2:58 am
by xperia64
Unless the licensing situation changes, we cannot include code from other projects (at least not GPL projects).

Re: WiFi-Feature Source Code maybe found

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2017 7:47 am
by dsattorney
You can at least base yourself on that code and create something similar but not identical, right?

Re: WiFi-Feature Source Code maybe found

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2017 9:01 am
by ericbazinga
xperia64 wrote:Unless the licensing situation changes, we cannot include code from other projects (at least not GPL projects).
Perhaps we could get permission from the developer?

Either way, we need to get Exo to see this!

Re: WiFi-Feature Source Code maybe found

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2017 11:25 am
by malek79a
I contacted the Devoloper of MelonDS. Maybe they give us a agreement to use the code or they create an code for us. I will stay you turned! ;)

Re: WiFi-Feature Source Code maybe found

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2017 12:17 pm
by dsattorney
This is one big step towards Wi-Fi support in DraStic! We need the code ASAP!

Re: WiFi-Feature Source Code maybe found

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2017 1:08 pm
by malek79a
Drastic Only needs ASAP and then voila, huh?

Re: WiFi-Feature Source Code maybe found

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2017 1:16 pm
by malek79a
Is this the ASAP?

Code: Select all

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "NDS.h"
#include "SPI.h"
#include "Wifi.h"
#include "Platform.h"

namespace Wifi

//#define WIFI_LOG printf
#define WIFI_LOG(...) {}

u8 RAM[0x2000];
u16 IO[0x1000>>1];

#define IOPORT(x) IO[(x)>>1]

u16 Random;

u64 USCounter;
u64 USCompare;
bool BlockBeaconIRQ14;

u32 CmdCounter;

u16 BBCnt;
u8 BBWrite;
u8 BBRegs[0x100];
u8 BBRegsRO[0x100];

u8 RFVersion;
u16 RFCnt;
u16 RFData1;
u16 RFData2;
u32 RFRegs[0x40];

typedef struct
    u16 Addr;
    u16 Length;
    u8 Rate;
    u8 CurPhase;
    u32 CurPhaseTime;
    u32 HalfwordTimeMask;

} TXSlot;

TXSlot TXSlots[6];

u8 RXBuffer[2048];
u32 RXBufferPtr;
u32 RXTime;
u32 RXHalfwordTimeMask;
u16 RXEndAddr;

u32 ComStatus; // 0=waiting for packets  1=receiving  2=sending
u32 TXCurSlot;
u32 RXCounter;

int MPReplyTimer;
int MPNumReplies;

bool MPInited;

// multiplayer host TX sequence:
// 1. preamble
// 2. IRQ7
// 3. send data
// 4. optional IRQ1
// 5. wait for client replies (duration: 112 + ((10 * CMD_REPLYTIME) * numclients))
// 6. IRQ7
// 7. send ack (16 bytes, 1Mbps)
// 8. optional IRQ1, along with IRQ12 if the transfer was successful or if
//    there's no time left for a retry
// if the transfer has to be retried (for example, didn't get replies from all clients)
// and there is time, it repeats the sequence
// if there isn't enough time left on CMD_COUNT, IRQ12 is triggered alone when
// CMD_COUNT is 10, and the packet txheader[0] is set to 5
// RFSTATUS values:
// 0 = initial
// 1 = waiting for incoming packets
// 2 = switching from RX to TX
// 3 = TX
// 4 = switching from TX to RX
// 5 = MP host data sent, waiting for replies (RFPINS=0x0084)
// 6 = RX
// 7 = ??
// 8 = MP client sending reply, MP host sending ack (RFPINS=0x0046)
// 9 = idle

// wifi TODO:
// * power saving
// * RXSTAT, multiplay reply errors
// * TX errors (if applicable)

bool Init()
    MPInited = false;

    return true;

void DeInit()
    if (MPInited)

void Reset()
    memset(RAM, 0, 0x2000);
    memset(IO, 0, 0x1000);

    Random = 1;

    memset(BBRegs, 0, 0x100);
    memset(BBRegsRO, 0, 0x100);

    #define BBREG_FIXED(id, val)  BBRegs[id] = val; BBRegsRO[id] = 1;
    BBREG_FIXED(0x00, 0x6D);
    BBREG_FIXED(0x0D, 0x00);
    BBREG_FIXED(0x0E, 0x00);
    BBREG_FIXED(0x0F, 0x00);
    BBREG_FIXED(0x10, 0x00);
    BBREG_FIXED(0x11, 0x00);
    BBREG_FIXED(0x12, 0x00);
    BBREG_FIXED(0x16, 0x00);
    BBREG_FIXED(0x17, 0x00);
    BBREG_FIXED(0x18, 0x00);
    BBREG_FIXED(0x19, 0x00);
    BBREG_FIXED(0x1A, 0x00);
    BBREG_FIXED(0x27, 0x00);
    BBREG_FIXED(0x4D, 0x00); // 00 or BF
    BBREG_FIXED(0x5D, 0x01);
    BBREG_FIXED(0x5E, 0x00);
    BBREG_FIXED(0x5F, 0x00);
    BBREG_FIXED(0x60, 0x00);
    BBREG_FIXED(0x61, 0x00);
    BBREG_FIXED(0x64, 0xFF); // FF or 3F
    BBREG_FIXED(0x66, 0x00);
    for (int i = 0x69; i < 0x100; i++)
        BBREG_FIXED(i, 0x00);
    #undef BBREG_FIXED

    RFVersion = SPI_Firmware::GetRFVersion();
    memset(RFRegs, 0, 4*0x40);

    u8 console = SPI_Firmware::GetConsoleType();
    if (console == 0xFF)
        IOPORT(0x000) = 0x1440;
    else if (console == 0x20)
        IOPORT(0x000) = 0xC340;
        printf("wifi: unknown console type %02X\n", console);
        IOPORT(0x000) = 0x1440;

    memset(&IOPORT(0x018), 0xFF, 6);
    memset(&IOPORT(0x020), 0xFF, 6);

    USCounter = 0;
    USCompare = 0;
    BlockBeaconIRQ14 = false;

    ComStatus = 0;
    TXCurSlot = -1;
    RXCounter = 0;

    MPReplyTimer = 0;
    MPNumReplies = 0;

    CmdCounter = 0;

void SetIRQ(u32 irq)
    u32 oldflags = IOPORT(W_IF) & IOPORT(W_IE);

    IOPORT(W_IF) |= (1<<irq);
    u32 newflags = IOPORT(W_IF) & IOPORT(W_IE);

    if ((oldflags == 0) && (newflags != 0))
        NDS::SetIRQ(1, NDS::IRQ_Wifi);

void SetIRQ13()

    if (!(IOPORT(W_PowerTX) & 0x0002))
        IOPORT(0x034) = 0x0002;
        // TODO: 03C
        IOPORT(W_RFPins) = 0x0046;
        IOPORT(W_RFStatus) = 9;

void SetIRQ14(int source) // 0=USCOMPARE 1=BEACONCOUNT 2=forced
    if (source != 2)
        IOPORT(W_BeaconCount1) = IOPORT(W_BeaconInterval);

    if (BlockBeaconIRQ14 && source == 1)
    if (!(IOPORT(W_USCompareCnt)) & 0x0001)


    if (source == 2)
        printf("wifi: weird forced IRQ14\n");

    IOPORT(W_BeaconCount2) = 0xFFFF;
    IOPORT(W_TXReqRead) &= 0xFFF2;

    if (IOPORT(W_TXSlotBeacon) & 0x8000)

    if (IOPORT(W_ListenCount) == 0)
        IOPORT(W_ListenCount) = IOPORT(W_ListenInterval);


void SetIRQ15()

    if (IOPORT(W_PowerTX) & 0x0001)
        IOPORT(W_RFPins) |= 0x0080;
        IOPORT(W_RFStatus) = 1;

void SetStatus(u32 status)
    // TODO, eventually: states 2/4, also find out what state 7 is
    u16 rfpins[10] = {0x04, 0x84, 0, 0x46, 0, 0x84, 0x87, 0, 0x46, 0x04};
    IOPORT(W_RFStatus) = status;
    IOPORT(W_RFPins) = rfpins[status];

bool MACEqual(u8* a, u8* b)
    return (*(u32*)&a[0] == *(u32*)&b[0]) && (*(u16*)&a[4] == *(u16*)&b[4]);


int PreambleLen(int rate)
    if (rate == 1) return 192;
    if (IOPORT(W_Preamble) & 0x0004) return 96;
    return 192;

void StartTX_LocN(int nslot, int loc)
    TXSlot* slot = &TXSlots[nslot];

    if (IOPORT(W_TXSlotLoc1 + (loc*4)) & 0x7000)
        printf("wifi: unusual loc%d bits set %04X\n", loc, IOPORT(W_TXSlotLoc1 + (loc*4)));

    slot->Addr = (IOPORT(W_TXSlotLoc1 + (loc*4)) & 0x0FFF) << 1;
    slot->Length = *(u16*)&RAM[slot->Addr + 0xA] & 0x3FFF;

    u8 rate = RAM[slot->Addr + 0x8];
    if (rate == 0x14) slot->Rate = 2;
    else              slot->Rate = 1;

    slot->CurPhase = 0;
    slot->CurPhaseTime = PreambleLen(slot->Rate);

void StartTX_Cmd()
    TXSlot* slot = &TXSlots[1];

    // TODO: cancel the transfer if there isn't enough time left (check CMDCOUNT)

    if (IOPORT(W_TXSlotCmd) & 0x7000) printf("wifi: !! unusual TXSLOT_CMD bits set %04X\n", IOPORT(W_TXSlotCmd));

    slot->Addr = (IOPORT(W_TXSlotCmd) & 0x0FFF) << 1;
    slot->Length = *(u16*)&RAM[slot->Addr + 0xA] & 0x3FFF;

    u8 rate = RAM[slot->Addr + 0x8];
    if (rate == 0x14) slot->Rate = 2;
    else              slot->Rate = 1;

    slot->CurPhase = 0;
    slot->CurPhaseTime = PreambleLen(slot->Rate);

void StartTX_Beacon()
    TXSlot* slot = &TXSlots[4];

    slot->Addr = (IOPORT(W_TXSlotBeacon) & 0x0FFF) << 1;
    slot->Length = *(u16*)&RAM[slot->Addr + 0xA] & 0x3FFF;

    u8 rate = RAM[slot->Addr + 0x8];
    if (rate == 0x14) slot->Rate = 2;
    else              slot->Rate = 1;

    slot->CurPhase = 0;
    slot->CurPhaseTime = PreambleLen(slot->Rate);

    IOPORT(W_TXBusy) |= 0x0010;

// TODO eventually: there is a small delay to firing TX
void FireTX()
    u16 txbusy = IOPORT(W_TXBusy);

    u16 txreq = IOPORT(W_TXReqRead);
    u16 txstart = 0;
    if (IOPORT(W_TXSlotLoc1) & 0x8000) txstart |= 0x0001;
    if (IOPORT(W_TXSlotCmd ) & 0x8000) txstart |= 0x0002;
    if (IOPORT(W_TXSlotLoc2) & 0x8000) txstart |= 0x0004;
    if (IOPORT(W_TXSlotLoc3) & 0x8000) txstart |= 0x0008;

    txstart &= txreq;
    txstart &= ~txbusy;

    IOPORT(W_TXBusy) = txbusy | txstart;

    if (txstart & 0x0008)
        StartTX_LocN(3, 2);

    if (txstart & 0x0004)
        StartTX_LocN(2, 1);

    if (txstart & 0x0002)

    if (txstart & 0x0001)
        StartTX_LocN(0, 0);

void SendMPReply(u16 clienttime, u16 clientmask)
    TXSlot* slot = &TXSlots[5];

    // mark the last packet as success. dunno what the MSB is, it changes.
    if (IOPORT(W_TXSlotReply2) & 0x8000)
        *(u16*)&RAM[slot->Addr] = 0x0001;

    IOPORT(W_TXSlotReply2) = IOPORT(W_TXSlotReply1);
    IOPORT(W_TXSlotReply1) = 0;

    // this seems to be set upon IRQ0
    // TODO: how does it behave if the packet addr is changed before it gets sent? (maybe just not possible)
    if (IOPORT(W_TXSlotReply2) & 0x8000)
        slot->Addr = (IOPORT(W_TXSlotReply2) & 0x0FFF) << 1;
        *(u16*)&RAM[slot->Addr + 0x4] = 0x0001;

    u16 clientnum = 0;
    for (int i = 1; i < IOPORT(W_AIDLow); i++)
        if (clientmask & (1<<i))

    slot->CurPhase = 0;
    slot->CurPhaseTime = 16 + ((clienttime + 10) * clientnum);

    IOPORT(W_TXBusy) |= 0x0080;

void SendMPDefaultReply()
    u8 reply[12 + 32];

    *(u16*)&reply[0xA] = 28; // length

    // rate
    //if (TXSlots[1].Rate == 2) reply[0x8] = 0x14;
    //else                      reply[0x8] = 0xA;
    // TODO
    reply[0x8] = 0x14;

	*(u16*)&reply[0xC + 0x00] = 0x0158;
	*(u16*)&reply[0xC + 0x02] = 0x00F0;//0; // TODO??
	*(u16*)&reply[0xC + 0x04] = IOPORT(W_BSSID0);
	*(u16*)&reply[0xC + 0x06] = IOPORT(W_BSSID1);
	*(u16*)&reply[0xC + 0x08] = IOPORT(W_BSSID2);
	*(u16*)&reply[0xC + 0x0A] = IOPORT(W_MACAddr0);
	*(u16*)&reply[0xC + 0x0C] = IOPORT(W_MACAddr1);
	*(u16*)&reply[0xC + 0x0E] = IOPORT(W_MACAddr2);
	*(u16*)&reply[0xC + 0x10] = 0x0903;
	*(u16*)&reply[0xC + 0x12] = 0x00BF;
	*(u16*)&reply[0xC + 0x14] = 0x1000;
	*(u16*)&reply[0xC + 0x16] = IOPORT(W_TXSeqNo) << 4;
	*(u32*)&reply[0xC + 0x18] = 0;

	int txlen = Platform::MP_SendPacket(reply, 12+28);
	WIFI_LOG("wifi: sent %d/40 bytes of MP default reply\n", txlen);

void SendMPAck()
    u8 ack[12 + 32];

    *(u16*)&ack[0xA] = 32; // length

    // rate
    if (TXSlots[1].Rate == 2) ack[0x8] = 0x14;
    else                      ack[0x8] = 0xA;

	*(u16*)&ack[0xC + 0x00] = 0x0218;
	*(u16*)&ack[0xC + 0x02] = 0;
	*(u16*)&ack[0xC + 0x04] = 0x0903;
	*(u16*)&ack[0xC + 0x06] = 0x00BF;
	*(u16*)&ack[0xC + 0x08] = 0x0300;
	*(u16*)&ack[0xC + 0x0A] = IOPORT(W_BSSID0);
	*(u16*)&ack[0xC + 0x0C] = IOPORT(W_BSSID1);
	*(u16*)&ack[0xC + 0x0E] = IOPORT(W_BSSID2);
	*(u16*)&ack[0xC + 0x10] = IOPORT(W_MACAddr0);
	*(u16*)&ack[0xC + 0x12] = IOPORT(W_MACAddr1);
	*(u16*)&ack[0xC + 0x14] = IOPORT(W_MACAddr2);
	*(u16*)&ack[0xC + 0x16] = IOPORT(W_TXSeqNo) << 4;
	*(u16*)&ack[0xC + 0x18] = 0x0033; // ???
	*(u16*)&ack[0xC + 0x1A] = 0;
	*(u32*)&ack[0xC + 0x1C] = 0;

	int txlen = Platform::MP_SendPacket(ack, 12+32);
	WIFI_LOG("wifi: sent %d/44 bytes of MP ack, %d %d\n", txlen, ComStatus, RXTime);

u32 NumClients(u16 bitmask)
    u32 ret = 0;
    for (int i = 1; i < 16; i++)
        if (bitmask & (1<<i)) ret++;
    return ret;

bool CheckRX(bool block);

bool ProcessTX(TXSlot* slot, int num)
    if (slot->CurPhaseTime > 0)
        if (slot->CurPhase == 1)
            if (!(slot->CurPhaseTime & slot->HalfwordTimeMask))
        else if (slot->CurPhase == 2)
            if (MPReplyTimer == 0 && MPNumReplies > 0)
                if (CheckRX(true))
                    ComStatus |= 0x1;

                // TODO: properly handle reply errors
                // also, if the reply is too big to fit within its window, what happens?

                MPReplyTimer = 10 + IOPORT(W_CmdReplyTime);

        return false;

    switch (slot->CurPhase)
    case 0: // preamble done

            if (num == 5)
                // MP reply slot
                // setup needs to be done now as port 098 can get changed in the meantime


                // if no reply is configured, send a default empty reply
                if (!(IOPORT(W_TXSlotReply2) & 0x8000))

                    slot->Addr = 0;
                    slot->Length = 28;
                    slot->Rate = 2; // TODO
                    slot->CurPhase = 4;
                    slot->CurPhaseTime = 28*4;
                    slot->HalfwordTimeMask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
                    IOPORT(W_TXSeqNo) = (IOPORT(W_TXSeqNo) + 1) & 0x0FFF;

                slot->Addr = (IOPORT(W_TXSlotReply2) & 0x0FFF) << 1;
                slot->Length = *(u16*)&RAM[slot->Addr + 0xA] & 0x3FFF;

                // TODO: duration should be set by hardware
                // doesn't seem to be important
                //RAM[slot->Addr + 0xC + 2] = 0x00F0;

                u8 rate = RAM[slot->Addr + 0x8];
                if (rate == 0x14) slot->Rate = 2;
                else              slot->Rate = 1;

            u32 len = slot->Length;
            if (slot->Rate == 2)
                len *= 4;
                slot->HalfwordTimeMask = 0x7;
                len *= 8;
                slot->HalfwordTimeMask = 0xF;

            slot->CurPhase = 1;
            slot->CurPhaseTime = len;

            u64 oldts;
            if (num == 4)
                // beacon timestamp
                oldts = *(u64*)&RAM[slot->Addr + 0xC + 24];
                *(u64*)&RAM[slot->Addr + 0xC + 24] = USCounter;

            //u32 noseqno = 0;
            //if (num == 1) noseqno = (IOPORT(W_TXSlotCmd) & 0x4000);

            //if (!noseqno)
                *(u16*)&RAM[slot->Addr + 0xC + 22] = IOPORT(W_TXSeqNo) << 4;
                IOPORT(W_TXSeqNo) = (IOPORT(W_TXSeqNo) + 1) & 0x0FFF;

            // set TX addr
            IOPORT(W_RXTXAddr) = slot->Addr >> 1;

            int txlen = Platform::MP_SendPacket(&RAM[slot->Addr], 12 + slot->Length);
            WIFI_LOG("wifi: sent %d/%d bytes of slot%d packet, addr=%04X, framectl=%04X, %04X %04X\n",
                     txlen, slot->Length+12, num, slot->Addr, *(u16*)&RAM[slot->Addr + 0xC],
                     *(u16*)&RAM[slot->Addr + 0x24], *(u16*)&RAM[slot->Addr + 0x26]);

            if (num == 4)
                *(u64*)&RAM[slot->Addr + 0xC + 24] = oldts;

    case 1: // transmit done
            // for the MP reply slot, this is set later
            if (num != 5)
                *(u16*)&RAM[slot->Addr] = 0x0001;
            RAM[slot->Addr + 5] = 0;

            if (num == 1)
                if (IOPORT(W_TXStatCnt) & 0x4000)
                    IOPORT(W_TXStat) = 0x0800;

                u16 clientmask = *(u16*)&RAM[slot->Addr + 12 + 24 + 2];
                MPNumReplies = NumClients(clientmask);
                MPReplyTimer = 16;

                slot->CurPhase = 2;
                slot->CurPhaseTime = 112 + ((10 + IOPORT(W_CmdReplyTime)) * MPNumReplies);

            else if (num == 5)
                if (IOPORT(W_TXStatCnt) & 0x1000)
                    IOPORT(W_TXStat) = 0x0401;

                IOPORT(W_TXBusy) &= ~0x80;
                return true;

            IOPORT(W_TXBusy) &= ~(1<<num);

            switch (num)
            case 0:
            case 2:
            case 3:
                IOPORT(W_TXStat) = 0x0001 | ((num?(num-1):0)<<12);
                IOPORT(W_TXSlotLoc1 + ((num?(num-1):0)*4)) &= 0x7FFF;

            case 4: // beacon
                if (IOPORT(W_TXStatCnt) & 0x8000)
                    IOPORT(W_TXStat) = 0x0301;


        return true;

    case 2: // MP host transfer done

            IOPORT(W_RXTXAddr) = 0xFC0;

            if (slot->Rate == 2) slot->CurPhaseTime = 32 * 4;
            else                 slot->CurPhaseTime = 32 * 8;


            slot->CurPhase = 3;

    case 3: // MP host ack transfer (reply wait done)
            // checkme
            IOPORT(W_TXBusy) &= ~(1<<1);
            IOPORT(W_TXSlotCmd) &= 0x7FFF; // confirmed

            // seems this is set to indicate which clients failed to reply
            *(u16*)&RAM[slot->Addr + 0x2] = 0;

            IOPORT(W_TXSeqNo) = (IOPORT(W_TXSeqNo) + 1) & 0x0FFF;

            if (IOPORT(W_TXStatCnt) & 0x2000)
                IOPORT(W_TXStat) = 0x0B01;

        return true;

    case 4: // MP default reply transfer finished
            IOPORT(W_TXBusy) &= ~0x80;
        return true;

    return false;

inline void IncrementRXAddr(u16& addr, u16 inc)
    addr += inc;
    if (addr >= (IOPORT(W_RXBufEnd) & 0x1FFE))
        addr -= (IOPORT(W_RXBufEnd) & 0x1FFE);
        addr += (IOPORT(W_RXBufBegin) & 0x1FFE);

inline void IncrementRXAddr(u16& addr)
    addr += 2;
    if (addr == (IOPORT(W_RXBufEnd) & 0x1FFE))
        addr = (IOPORT(W_RXBufBegin) & 0x1FFE);

bool CheckRX(bool block)
    if (!(IOPORT(W_RXCnt) & 0x8000))
        return false;

    u16 framelen;
    u16 framectl;
    u8 txrate;
    bool bssidmatch;
    u16 rxflags;

    for (;;)
        int rxlen = Platform::MP_RecvPacket(RXBuffer, block);
        if (rxlen == 0) return false;
        if (rxlen < 12+24) continue;

        framelen = *(u16*)&RXBuffer[10];
        if (framelen != rxlen-12)
            printf("bad frame length\n");
        framelen -= 4;

        framectl = *(u16*)&RXBuffer[12+0];
        txrate = RXBuffer[8];

        u32 a_src, a_dst, a_bss;
        rxflags = 0x0010;
        switch (framectl & 0x000C)
        case 0x0000: // management
            a_src = 10;
            a_dst = 4;
            a_bss = 16;
            if ((framectl & 0x00F0) == 0x0080)
                rxflags |= 0x0001;

        case 0x0004: // control

        case 0x0008: // data
            switch (framectl & 0x0300)
            case 0x0000: // STA to STA
                a_src = 10;
                a_dst = 4;
                a_bss = 16;
            case 0x0100: // STA to DS
                a_src = 10;
                a_dst = 16;
                a_bss = 4;
            case 0x0200: // DS to STA
                a_src = 16;
                a_dst = 4;
                a_bss = 10;
            case 0x0300: // DS to DS
            // TODO: those also trigger on other framectl values
            // like 0208 -> C
            framectl &= 0xE7FF;
            if      (framectl == 0x0228) rxflags |= 0x000C; // MP host frame
            else if (framectl == 0x0218) rxflags |= 0x000D; // MP ack frame
            else if (framectl == 0x0118) rxflags |= 0x000E; // MP reply frame
            else if (framectl == 0x0158) rxflags |= 0x000F; // empty MP reply frame
            else                         rxflags |= 0x0008;

        if (MACEqual(&RXBuffer[12 + a_src], (u8*)&IOPORT(W_MACAddr0)))
            continue; // oops. we received a packet we just sent.

        bssidmatch = MACEqual(&RXBuffer[12 + a_bss], (u8*)&IOPORT(W_BSSID0));
        if (!(IOPORT(W_BSSID0) & 0x0001) && !(RXBuffer[12 + a_bss] & 0x01) &&
            printf("received packet %04X but it didn't pass the BSSID check\n", framectl);


    WIFI_LOG("wifi: received packet FC:%04X SN:%04X CL:%04X RXT:%d CMT:%d\n",
             framectl, *(u16*)&RXBuffer[12+4+6+6+6], *(u16*)&RXBuffer[12+4+6+6+6+2+2], framelen*4, IOPORT(W_CmdReplyTime));

    // make RX header

    if (bssidmatch) rxflags |= 0x8000;

    *(u16*)&RXBuffer[0] = rxflags;
    *(u16*)&RXBuffer[2] = 0x0040; // ???
    *(u16*)&RXBuffer[6] = txrate;
    *(u16*)&RXBuffer[8] = framelen;
    *(u16*)&RXBuffer[10] = 0x4080; // min/max RSSI. dunno

    RXTime = framelen;

    if (txrate == 0x14)
        RXTime *= 4;
        RXHalfwordTimeMask = 0x7;
        RXTime *= 8;
        RXHalfwordTimeMask = 0xF;

    u16 addr = IOPORT(W_RXBufWriteCursor) << 1;
    IncrementRXAddr(addr, 12);
    IOPORT(W_RXTXAddr) = addr >> 1;

    RXBufferPtr = 12;

    return true;

void MSTimer()
    if (IOPORT(W_USCompareCnt))
        if (USCounter == USCompare)
            BlockBeaconIRQ14 = false;

    if (IOPORT(W_BeaconCount1) == 0)

    if (IOPORT(W_BeaconCount2) != 0)
        if (IOPORT(W_BeaconCount2) == 0) SetIRQ13();

void USTimer(u32 param)
    if (IOPORT(W_USCountCnt))
        u32 uspart = (USCounter & 0x3FF);

        if (IOPORT(W_USCompareCnt))
            u32 beaconus = (IOPORT(W_BeaconCount1) << 10) | (0x3FF - uspart);
            if (beaconus == IOPORT(W_PreBeacon)) SetIRQ15();

        if (!uspart) MSTimer();

    if (IOPORT(W_CmdCountCnt) & 0x0001)
        if (CmdCounter > 0)

    if (IOPORT(W_ContentFree) != 0)

    if (ComStatus == 0)
        u16 txbusy = IOPORT(W_TXBusy);
        if (txbusy)
            ComStatus = 0x2;
            if      (txbusy & 0x0080) TXCurSlot = 5;
            else if (txbusy & 0x0010) TXCurSlot = 4;
            else if (txbusy & 0x0008) TXCurSlot = 3;
            else if (txbusy & 0x0004) TXCurSlot = 2;
            else if (txbusy & 0x0002) TXCurSlot = 1;
            else if (txbusy & 0x0001) TXCurSlot = 0;
            if ((!(RXCounter & 0x1FF)))
                if (CheckRX(false))
                    ComStatus = 0x1;


    if (ComStatus & 0x2)
        bool finished = ProcessTX(&TXSlots[TXCurSlot], TXCurSlot);
        if (finished)
            // transfer finished, see if there's another slot to do
            // checkme: priority order of beacon/reply
            // TODO: for CMD, check CMDCOUNT
            u16 txbusy = IOPORT(W_TXBusy);
            if      (txbusy & 0x0080) TXCurSlot = 5;
            else if (txbusy & 0x0010) TXCurSlot = 4;
            else if (txbusy & 0x0008) TXCurSlot = 3;
            else if (txbusy & 0x0004) TXCurSlot = 2;
            else if (txbusy & 0x0002) TXCurSlot = 1;
            else if (txbusy & 0x0001) TXCurSlot = 0;
                TXCurSlot = -1;
                ComStatus = 0;
                RXCounter = 0;
    if (ComStatus & 0x1)
        if (!(RXTime & RXHalfwordTimeMask))
            u16 addr = IOPORT(W_RXTXAddr) << 1;
            *(u16*)&RAM[addr] = *(u16*)&RXBuffer[RXBufferPtr];

            RXBufferPtr += 2;

            if (RXTime == 0) // finished receiving
                if (addr & 0x2) IncrementRXAddr(addr);

                // copy the RX header
                u16 headeraddr = IOPORT(W_RXBufWriteCursor) << 1;
                *(u16*)&RAM[headeraddr] = *(u16*)&RXBuffer[0]; IncrementRXAddr(headeraddr);
                *(u16*)&RAM[headeraddr] = *(u16*)&RXBuffer[2]; IncrementRXAddr(headeraddr, 4);
                *(u16*)&RAM[headeraddr] = *(u16*)&RXBuffer[6]; IncrementRXAddr(headeraddr);
                *(u16*)&RAM[headeraddr] = *(u16*)&RXBuffer[8]; IncrementRXAddr(headeraddr);
                *(u16*)&RAM[headeraddr] = *(u16*)&RXBuffer[10];

                IOPORT(W_RXBufWriteCursor) = (addr & ~0x3) >> 1;


                WIFI_LOG("wifi: finished receiving packet %04X\n", *(u16*)&RXBuffer[12]);

                ComStatus &= ~0x1;
                RXCounter = 0;

                if ((RXBuffer[0] & 0x0F) == 0x0C)
                    u16 clientmask = *(u16*)&RXBuffer[0xC + 26];
                    if (IOPORT(W_AIDLow) && (RXBuffer[0xC + 4] & 0x01) && (clientmask & (1 << IOPORT(W_AIDLow))))
                        SendMPReply(*(u16*)&RXBuffer[0xC + 24], *(u16*)&RXBuffer[0xC + 26]);

            if (addr == (IOPORT(W_RXBufReadCursor) << 1))
                printf("wifi: RX buffer full\n");
                RXTime = 0;
                if (TXCurSlot == -1)
                    ComStatus &= ~0x1;
                    RXCounter = 0;
                // TODO: proper error management

            IOPORT(W_RXTXAddr) = addr >> 1;

    // TODO: make it more accurate, eventually
    // in the DS, the wifi system has its own 22MHz clock and doesn't use the system clock
    NDS::ScheduleEvent(NDS::Event_Wifi, true, 33, USTimer, 0);

void RFTransfer_Type2()
    u32 id = (IOPORT(W_RFData2) >> 2) & 0x1F;

    if (IOPORT(W_RFData2) & 0x0080)
        u32 data = RFRegs[id];
        IOPORT(W_RFData1) = data & 0xFFFF;
        IOPORT(W_RFData2) = (IOPORT(W_RFData2) & 0xFFFC) | ((data >> 16) & 0x3);
        u32 data = IOPORT(W_RFData1) | ((IOPORT(W_RFData2) & 0x0003) << 16);
        RFRegs[id] = data;

void RFTransfer_Type3()
    u32 id = (IOPORT(W_RFData1) >> 8) & 0x3F;

    u32 cmd = IOPORT(W_RFData2) & 0xF;
    if (cmd == 6)
        IOPORT(W_RFData1) = (IOPORT(W_RFData1) & 0xFF00) | (RFRegs[id] & 0xFF);
    else if (cmd == 5)
        u32 data = IOPORT(W_RFData1) & 0xFF;
        RFRegs[id] = data;

// TODO: wifi waitstates

u16 Read(u32 addr)
    if (addr >= 0x04810000)
        return 0;

    addr &= 0x7FFE;
    //printf("WIFI: read %08X\n", addr);
    if (addr >= 0x4000 && addr < 0x6000)
        return *(u16*)&RAM[addr & 0x1FFE];
    if (addr >= 0x2000 && addr < 0x4000)
        return 0xFFFF;

    bool activeread = (addr < 0x1000);

    switch (addr)
    case W_Random: // random generator. not accurate
        Random = (Random & 0x1) ^ (((Random & 0x3FF) << 1) | (Random >> 10));
        return Random;

    case W_Preamble:
        return IOPORT(W_Preamble) & 0x0003;

    case W_USCount0: return (u16)(USCounter & 0xFFFF);
    case W_USCount1: return (u16)((USCounter >> 16) & 0xFFFF);
    case W_USCount2: return (u16)((USCounter >> 32) & 0xFFFF);
    case W_USCount3: return (u16)(USCounter >> 48);

    case W_USCompare0: return (u16)(USCompare & 0xFFFF);
    case W_USCompare1: return (u16)((USCompare >> 16) & 0xFFFF);
    case W_USCompare2: return (u16)((USCompare >> 32) & 0xFFFF);
    case W_USCompare3: return (u16)(USCompare >> 48);

    case W_CmdCount: return (CmdCounter + 9) / 10;

    case W_BBRead:
        if ((IOPORT(W_BBCnt) & 0xF000) != 0x6000)
            printf("WIFI: bad BB read, CNT=%04X\n", IOPORT(W_BBCnt));
            return 0;
        return BBRegs[IOPORT(W_BBCnt) & 0xFF];

    case W_BBBusy:
        return 0; // TODO eventually (BB busy flag)
    case W_RFBusy:
        return 0; // TODO eventually (RF busy flag)

    case W_RXBufDataRead:
        if (activeread)
            u32 rdaddr = IOPORT(W_RXBufReadAddr);

            u16 ret = *(u16*)&RAM[rdaddr];

            rdaddr += 2;
            if (rdaddr == (IOPORT(W_RXBufEnd) & 0x1FFE))
                rdaddr = (IOPORT(W_RXBufBegin) & 0x1FFE);
            if (rdaddr == IOPORT(W_RXBufGapAddr))
                rdaddr += (IOPORT(W_RXBufGapSize) << 1);
                if (rdaddr >= (IOPORT(W_RXBufEnd) & 0x1FFE))
                    rdaddr = rdaddr + (IOPORT(W_RXBufBegin) & 0x1FFE) - (IOPORT(W_RXBufEnd) & 0x1FFE);

                if (IOPORT(0x000) == 0xC340)
                    IOPORT(W_RXBufGapSize) = 0;

            IOPORT(W_RXBufReadAddr) = rdaddr & 0x1FFE;
            IOPORT(W_RXBufDataRead) = ret;

            if (IOPORT(W_RXBufCount) > 0)
                if (IOPORT(W_RXBufCount) == 0)

    case W_TXBusy:
        return IOPORT(W_TXBusy) & 0x001F; // no bit for MP replies. odd

    //printf("WIFI: read %08X\n", addr);
    return IOPORT(addr&0xFFF);

void Write(u32 addr, u16 val)
    if (addr >= 0x04810000)

    addr &= 0x7FFE;
    //printf("WIFI: write %08X %04X\n", addr, val);
    if (addr >= 0x4000 && addr < 0x6000)
        *(u16*)&RAM[addr & 0x1FFE] = val;
    if (addr >= 0x2000 && addr < 0x4000)

    switch (addr)
    case W_ModeReset:
            u16 oldval = IOPORT(W_ModeReset);

            if (!(oldval & 0x0001) && (val & 0x0001))
                IOPORT(0x034) = 0x0002;
                IOPORT(W_RFPins) = 0x0046;
                IOPORT(W_RFStatus) = 9;
                IOPORT(0x27C) = 0x0005;
                // TODO: 02A2??
            else if ((oldval & 0x0001) && !(val & 0x0001))
                IOPORT(0x27C) = 0x000A;

            if (val & 0x2000)
                IOPORT(W_RXBufWriteAddr) = 0;
                IOPORT(W_CmdTotalTime) = 0;
                IOPORT(W_CmdReplyTime) = 0;
                IOPORT(0x1A4) = 0;
                IOPORT(0x278) = 0x000F;
                // TODO: other ports??
            if (val & 0x4000)
                IOPORT(W_ModeWEP) = 0;
                IOPORT(W_TXStatCnt) = 0;
                IOPORT(0x00A) = 0;
                IOPORT(W_MACAddr0) = 0;
                IOPORT(W_MACAddr1) = 0;
                IOPORT(W_MACAddr2) = 0;
                IOPORT(W_BSSID0) = 0;
                IOPORT(W_BSSID1) = 0;
                IOPORT(W_BSSID2) = 0;
                IOPORT(W_AIDLow) = 0;
                IOPORT(W_AIDFull) = 0;
                IOPORT(W_TXRetryLimit) = 0x0707;
                IOPORT(0x02E) = 0;
                IOPORT(W_RXBufBegin) = 0x4000;
                IOPORT(W_RXBufEnd) = 0x4800;
                IOPORT(W_TXBeaconTIM) = 0;
                IOPORT(W_Preamble) = 0x0001;
                IOPORT(W_RXFilter) = 0x0401;
                IOPORT(0x0D4) = 0x0001;
                IOPORT(W_RXFilter2) = 0x0008;
                IOPORT(0x0EC) = 0x3F03;
                IOPORT(W_TXHeaderCnt) = 0;
                IOPORT(0x198) = 0;
                IOPORT(0x1A2) = 0x0001;
                IOPORT(0x224) = 0x0003;
                IOPORT(0x230) = 0x0047;

    case W_ModeWEP:
        val &= 0x007F;

    case W_IF:
        IOPORT(W_IF) &= ~val;
    case W_IFSet:
        IOPORT(W_IF) |= (val & 0xFBFF);
        printf("wifi: force-setting IF %04X\n", val);

    case W_PowerState:
        if (val & 0x0002)
            // TODO: delay for this
            IOPORT(W_PowerState) = 0x0000;

            // checkme
            IOPORT(W_RFPins) = 0x00C6;
            IOPORT(W_RFStatus) = 9;
    case W_PowerForce:
        if ((val&0x8001)==0x8000) printf("WIFI: forcing power %04X\n", val);
        val &= 0x8001;
        if (val == 0x8001)
            IOPORT(0x034) = 0x0002;
            IOPORT(W_PowerState) = 0x0200;
            IOPORT(W_TXReqRead) = 0;
            IOPORT(W_RFPins) = 0x0046;
            IOPORT(W_RFStatus) = 9;
    case W_PowerUS:
        // schedule timer event when the clock is enabled
        // TODO: check whether this resets USCOUNT (and also which other events can reset it)
        if ((IOPORT(W_PowerUS) & 0x0001) && !(val & 0x0001))
            NDS::ScheduleEvent(NDS::Event_Wifi, true, 33, USTimer, 0);
            if (!MPInited)
                MPInited = true;
        else if (!(IOPORT(W_PowerUS) & 0x0001) && (val & 0x0001))

    case W_USCountCnt: val &= 0x0001; break;
    case W_USCompareCnt:
        if (val & 0x0002) SetIRQ14(2);
        val &= 0x0001;

    case W_USCount0: USCounter = (USCounter & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF0000) | (u64)val; return;
    case W_USCount1: USCounter = (USCounter & 0xFFFFFFFF0000FFFF) | ((u64)val << 16); return;
    case W_USCount2: USCounter = (USCounter & 0xFFFF0000FFFFFFFF) | ((u64)val << 32); return;
    case W_USCount3: USCounter = (USCounter & 0x0000FFFFFFFFFFFF) | ((u64)val << 48); return;

    case W_USCompare0:
        USCompare = (USCompare & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF0000) | (u64)(val & 0xFC00);
        if (val & 0x0001) BlockBeaconIRQ14 = true;
    case W_USCompare1: USCompare = (USCompare & 0xFFFFFFFF0000FFFF) | ((u64)val << 16); return;
    case W_USCompare2: USCompare = (USCompare & 0xFFFF0000FFFFFFFF) | ((u64)val << 32); return;
    case W_USCompare3: USCompare = (USCompare & 0x0000FFFFFFFFFFFF) | ((u64)val << 48); return;

    case W_CmdCount: CmdCounter = val * 10; return;

    case W_BBCnt:
        IOPORT(W_BBCnt) = val;
        if ((IOPORT(W_BBCnt) & 0xF000) == 0x5000)
            u32 regid = IOPORT(W_BBCnt) & 0xFF;
            if (!BBRegsRO[regid])
                BBRegs[regid] = IOPORT(W_BBWrite) & 0xFF;

    case W_RFData2:
        IOPORT(W_RFData2) = val;
        if (RFVersion == 3) RFTransfer_Type3();
        else                RFTransfer_Type2();
    case W_RFCnt:
        val &= 0x413F;

    case W_RXCnt:
        if (val & 0x0001)
            IOPORT(W_RXBufWriteCursor) = IOPORT(W_RXBufWriteAddr);
        if (val & 0x0080)
            IOPORT(W_TXSlotReply2) = IOPORT(W_TXSlotReply1);
            IOPORT(W_TXSlotReply1) = 0;
        val &= 0xFF0E;
        if (val & 0x7FFF) printf("wifi: unknown RXCNT bits set %04X\n", val);

    case W_RXBufDataRead:
        printf("wifi: writing to RXBUF_DATA_READ. wat\n");
        if (IOPORT(W_RXBufCount) > 0)
            if (IOPORT(W_RXBufCount) == 0)

    case W_RXBufReadAddr:
    case W_RXBufGapAddr:
        val &= 0x1FFE;
    case W_RXBufGapSize:
    case W_RXBufCount:
    case W_RXBufWriteAddr:
    case W_RXBufReadCursor:
        val &= 0x0FFF;

    case W_TXReqReset:
        IOPORT(W_TXReqRead) &= ~val;
    case W_TXReqSet:
        IOPORT(W_TXReqRead) |= val;

    case W_TXSlotReset:
        if (val & 0x0001) IOPORT(W_TXSlotLoc1) &= 0x7FFF;
        if (val & 0x0002) IOPORT(W_TXSlotCmd) &= 0x7FFF;
        if (val & 0x0004) IOPORT(W_TXSlotLoc2) &= 0x7FFF;
        if (val & 0x0008) IOPORT(W_TXSlotLoc3) &= 0x7FFF;
        // checkme: any bits affecting the beacon slot?
        if (val & 0x0040) IOPORT(W_TXSlotReply2) &= 0x7FFF;
        if (val & 0x0080) IOPORT(W_TXSlotReply1) &= 0x7FFF;
        if ((val & 0xFF30) && (val != 0xFFFF)) printf("unusual TXSLOTRESET %04X\n", val);
        val = 0; // checkme (write-only port)

    case W_TXBufDataWrite:
            u32 wraddr = IOPORT(W_TXBufWriteAddr);
            *(u16*)&RAM[wraddr] = val;

            wraddr += 2;
            if (wraddr == IOPORT(W_TXBufGapAddr))
                wraddr += (IOPORT(W_TXBufGapSize) << 1);

            //if (IOPORT(0x000) == 0xC340)
            //    IOPORT(W_TXBufGapSize) = 0;

            IOPORT(W_TXBufWriteAddr) = wraddr & 0x1FFE;

            if (IOPORT(W_TXBufCount) > 0)
                if (IOPORT(W_TXBufCount) == 0)

    case W_TXBufWriteAddr:
    case W_TXBufGapAddr:
        val &= 0x1FFE;
    case W_TXBufGapSize:
    case W_TXBufCount:
        val &= 0x0FFF;

    case W_TXSlotLoc1:
    case W_TXSlotLoc2:
    case W_TXSlotLoc3:
    case W_TXSlotCmd:
        // checkme: is it possible to cancel a queued transfer that hasn't started yet
        // by clearing bit15 here?
        IOPORT(addr&0xFFF) = val;

    case 0x228:
    case 0x244:
        printf("wifi: write port%03X %04X\n", addr, val);

    // read-only ports
    case 0x000:
    case 0x044:
    case 0x054:
    case 0x0B0:
    case 0x0B6:
    case 0x0B8:
    case 0x15C:
    case 0x15E:
    case 0x180:
    case 0x19C:
    case 0x1A8:
    case 0x1AC:
    case 0x1C4:
    case 0x210:
    case 0x214:
    case 0x268:

    //printf("WIFI: write %08X %04X\n", addr, val);
    IOPORT(addr&0xFFF) = val;

Re: WiFi-Feature Source Code maybe found

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2017 1:19 pm
by dsattorney
ASAP means "As soon as possible"